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Webinar: Creative Solutions for Dead Inventory (Staying out of RCRA)

All honest distributors will admit they have some dead inventory. How can this be managed in a cost effective, environmentally responsible way? James Nerger, founder and CEO of Omega Recycling LLC, with 30+ years of RCRA and recycling experience, will walk through strategies and solutions for managing difficult inventory.

Thank you to our webinar sponsor: 


Webinar: Introduction to the Commerce Department's Enforcement & Compliance Unit


Enforcement & Compliance (E&C), one of three units of the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, will join us to provide a brief overview of their functions and services that they provide to U.S. industry and exporters. E&C, which administers the domestic trade remedy laws (antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD)) will explain the services that they provide to U.S. industries who may be seeking relief from unfair trade practices, global monitoring of trade remedies and services to U.S. exporters who may be impacted by foreign unfair trade investigations, assistance for U.S. exporters facing other foreign trade barriers beyond trade remedies, and how E&C works with U.S. Customs & Border Protection, including in relation to potential issues of circumvention of AD/CVD measures.

Please note: Active ACD membership required for registration approval.


Webinar: Stay in Front of Eroding Margins

Join Paul Parsons of Profit2 as he discusses 4 ways to stay ahead of margin erosion: First- Play it safe and focus on making more where you can: down low, on items where the annual customer spend is under 500 dollars over the entire year on an item to a customer. Second- Give your sales team a playbook to make sure they are bidding on profitable business and not dropping commodities based on speculation and fear. Third- Set up your system for success. Many distributors have made an incredible investment in an operating system and haven’t leveraged that system to provide pricing guidance to their team. Fourth- Track results and provide accountability. You have the benefit of seeing the big picture but sometimes the sales team's experience is siloed only by their customers, branch or trading area. Provide actionable goals and measurements and your margin will reflect it.