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Where Will You Rank Among the ICIS Top 100 Chemical Distributors?

If you’d like to see exactly how you’ve been performing against your peers, and who have been the movers and shakers in chemical distribution this year, it’s now just a few weeks to wait until the publication of the latest Independent Commodity Intelligence Services (ICIS) Top 100 Chemicals Distributors Special Report.

The listing is due to go live at the end of this month and, thanks to our special partnership with ICIS, will be available to all ACD members in the next edition of Chemicals in Motion magazine.

Each year, ICIS surveys more than 300 chemical distributors worldwide for their sales, product, services, and asset information, and ranks them accordingly.

“The annual ICIS Top 100 Chemical Distributors listing is the most comprehensive global ranking of these essential companies in the chemical supply chain,” says Joseph Chang, Global Editor, ICIS Chemical Business. “This is a valuable resource for both buyers and sellers of chemicals worldwide, to select the right partners to extend their supply chains.”

ICIS compiles this listing with the support of ACD, the European Association of Chemical DistributorsAssociquim, and Responsible Distribution Canada.

Although the deadline has now passed for companies to be considered for inclusion in the listing itself, there’s still time to advertise alongside this special supplement – but be quick, the deadline is fast approaching.

While the ranking itself provides a valuable snapshot of your company’s position in the marketplace, these advertising opportunities allow you to share more about what is going on in the business and what’s behind your success and growth, says Claire O’Leary, Director of Porth Media – ACD’s print advertising partner.

“ACD has formed an exclusive partnership with ICIS to include its Top 100 Chemical Distributor ranking as an insert within the Q2 edition of Chemicals in Motion magazine,” she says. “This special issue causes a massive stir every year with everybody who's anybody in the chemical world talking about it.”

“This issue of Chemicals in Motion has the largest reach and readership of the year and there's always a real buzz surrounding it. By advertising, you benefit from that elevated reach and can align yourself with the celebration and prestige of the listing.”

It's not too late! To find out more about our range of advertising opportunities and how you can promote your products and services to a global audience, get in touch with Clare O’Leary at Porth Media at or call her directly 00 44 7828 830438.

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