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Webinar: Make the Most of Digital Marketing

The past year has proven just how important digitalization has become to business; without it, few of us would have been able to function quite as well as we have during such a difficult period.

The B2B buying process has been transformed over the past two decades and buyers are now firmly in control of how, where, and when they search for information. You may have previously relied on physical handouts, databases, direct marketing, and trade shows and events – but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated change and seen more of us migrate online.

Business leaders are therefore needing to adjust their mindsets and migrate away from traditional sales strategies.

To explain how to harness these powerful new tools and technologies, NACD members were invited to join a Rebecca Geier, Chief Marketing Officer of software company ChemVM Technologies, Inc. at the Best Practices of Digital Marketing webinar last month.

The free event asked whether we could still afford to rely on outdated forms of sales and marketing – and explained how to improve efficiency, get quality leads, and drive revenue via inbound marketing.

Everything we need is now quite literally at our fingertips, she said.

“You have to be considering, and participating in digital platforms – and considering investing in digital sales and marketing, or you will get left behind.”

“We’re at a crossroads here in the chemicals industry,” noted Geier. “Chemicals has been slow to adopt for a lot of reasons – environmental, safety, health, and all kinds of logistical reasons. We have to think about whether we’re going to stay true to what we know, stay on this parallel path, and not be where our customers are or are we going to start to make this shift?”

Marketing and sales techniques have seen a substantive shift away from the norms we’ve all been used to.

Being online enables us to better communicate with colleagues and customers, and to reach out to prospects. Buyers are increasingly heading online to research and secure products – and momentum is building.

Geier highlighted four fundamental steps to move successfully into this digital space, get attention, and stay competitive. These are:

  1. Creating Buyer personas – identifying who they are, what they need, and how you reach them;
  2. Having a website that’s modern and mobile-friendly, easy to use, and regularly updated;
  3. Providing valuable and trusted content; and
  4. Using software such as a Content Management System (CMS) to create and manage, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to keep control of your contacts and leads, and Marketing Automation.

Missed the webinar? Log in to the members’ area of our website to access a recording of the session and access the slides. Find out more at

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