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UK Blast Underscores Importance of Responsible Distribution for Chemical Distributors

UK Blast Underscores Importance of Responsible Distribution for Chemical Distributors

The recent improvised bomb explosion on an underground London train has rekindled concerns about the security of the international chemical supply chain. Reports indicate terrorists utilized volatile precursor chemicals to make triacetone triperoxide (TATP) for the bomb they planted in a plastic bucket inside a carrier bag. Questions from the media and others in Europe are now centering on the regulatory framework governing the sale and use of TATP and other chemicals and how to ensure the integrity of the chemical supply chain remains as secure as possible.

The fact is today the chemical supply chain is as safe and secure today as it has ever been. NACD’s members, as a condition of membership, complete a thorough process known as NACD Responsible Distribution® that is a mandatory third-party-verified environmental, health, safety, and security program whereby chemical distributors commit to continuous performance improvement in every phase of chemical storage, handling, transportation, and disposal. In fact, based on an analysis of NACD’s annual membership and safety report for 2017, the key elements that a company can employ to help maintain the integrity of the supply chain are all tied to Responsible Distribution.

Regarding chemical safety, spending on safety training and investing in security improvements leads to fewer accidents. Some of the key statistics supporting this are below:

  • There were only 0.126 incidents per 1,000 shipments, or 1 incident for every 7,924 shipments within the U.S. chemical distribution industry. 
  • On a mileage basis, the industry experienced just 0.002 incidents per 1,000 miles, or an incident every 546,502 miles driven. 
  • NACD members moved 35.8 million tons of chemicals and related products 267.8 million miles throughout the country with only a minimal number of incidents.

Regarding security, domestic chemical distributors whose inventories include hazardous or precursor chemicals must comply with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards to ensure certain products are kept under lock and key, preventing bad actors from gaining access to those chemicals for nefarious purposes.

Globally, NACD is an active member of the International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA), which represents the interests of over 1,500 chemical distributors worldwide. In the wake of recent terrorist incidents in the UK and the EU, ICTA continues to focus on the security of the international chemical supply chain and product stewardship. 

Responsible chemical distributors worldwide not only vigorously comply with existing regulations regarding chemical security but have also instituted voluntary measures and best practices regarding the handling and security of dangerous substances through participation in third-party-verified programs including Responsible Care and Responsible Distribution. These programs strengthen the safety and security of the entire industry as well as the communities where we live and work.

Like NACD, ICTA remains committed to working with global security leaders to ensure a safe and secure international chemical supply chain that transports products touching more than 96 percent of commerce around the world. Working together with governments and through our own voluntary measures, our industry continuously takes action to strengthen the safety and security of the chemical supply chain around the world.