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The Lesser-Known Benefits of Responsible Distribution

The Lesser-Known Benefits of Responsible Distribution

Anyone in the chemical distribution industry can tell you how important health, safety and environmental practices are to their companies. The protection of our employees and surrounding communities is critical to our work, and that’s why NACD Responsible Distribution® plays such an outsized role in raising the bar for our industry.

While there are obvious benefits from participating in Responsible Distribution, like having a safety record that is nearly twice as good as all manufacturing combined, there are also a number of lesser-known positives that this program provides NACD members.

By aligning our requirements with those of other groups like the American Chemistry Council, we’re able to coordinate more closely with supply-chain partners on fighting for the sustainability of the chemical industry as a whole in the halls of Congress and in front of regulatory officials. Our program also frequently lines up with other standards like ISO and the UN Global Compact, allowing NACD members to meet these standards just by being verified under Responsible Distribution. Additionally, through Responsible Distribution workshops and other programs, NACD members have the chance to network within in the chemical distribution industry– a benefit that can prove incredibly valuable over time both in terms of learning best practices and growing the bottom line.

Simply put, being a member of Responsible Distribution helps our members grow their businesses, while reducing incidents and accidents. The reputational benefits speak to our members’ commitment to increasing safety, preserving health and protecting the environment, all of which resonate with customers and the supply base. As Bruce Schechinger, CEO of BHS Marketing, commented in the Chemical Distributor Responsible Distribution Special Anniversary Issue:

“Another advantage to NACD and its policies and procedures is that your supplier base looks at you differently than if you weren’t an NACD member. They know we are meeting those stated procedures in Responsible Distribution when distributing their products. Because of that they’re more willing to do business with an NACD member. That’s worth money too. It’s tough to put a dollar value on that but it’s worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit.”

Being a stronger part of the supply chain also helps our members develop stronger relationships with their customers. According to Brett Mears, President of Palmer Logistics, being in compliance with Responsible Distribution means your customers won’t have to worry as much about how the products they purchase are handled:

“Continuity of supply is very important for these companies. Responsible Distribution is a sweet spot, ensuring you do things the right way in a defined process. By complying with the critical competencies of Responsible Distribution, you will be able to provide a sustained and successful supply chain.”

For the last 25 years, NACD members have been focused on finding new ways to enhance security, improve safety, reduce your environmental impact and strengthen your efforts to have the highest health standards in the industry. That’s the most important goal of Responsible Distribution and one that you should take pride in, but the other benefits also help companies grow and improve their businesses to make them best in class and earn the respect of their supply chain partners, which ultimately means more dollars in their coffers.