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Supporting Your Sustainability Efforts

It’s been a year since the successful introduction of our dedicated sustainability code to Responsible Distribution– covering environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

In an effort to help our members showcase their dedication to sustainability with their supply chain partners, ACD is now issuing sustainability certificates for ACD member companies that have successfully passed their verification and met the requirements of Code VI: Sustainability. Any Alliance member that completed their verification prior to November 2023 was retroactively issued a certificate.

These will help highlight the incredible efforts our membership is making with regard to sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG).

Each certificate is tailored specifically to your company’s attainment – including any additional sustainability elements that may be required based on your operations.

It’s great to see that so many of you are already proudly posting these new certificates on your social media channels or using them to demonstrate your sustainability credentials to suppliers or customers. One ACD member recently shared their thoughts upon receiving their certificate: “Nice touch on the sustainability certificate! That should help us out quite a bit with a number of our customers and will save us from having to send multiple plans and records.”

We recognize that some companies may be fairly new to the concept of sustainability while others are further along with well-established programs. Our aim when developing Code IV was to help our membership create a usable framework to guide them on their sustainability path, track their progress, and identify how they can make future improvements.

We’re therefore also pleased to offer our new ACD Sustainability Tracker tool as another free member resource to help companies monitor their sustainability efforts.

This handy Microsoft Excel spreadsheet can be accessed directly from our website and echoes the Code VI requirements – with four separate tabs based on Corporate Social Responsibility; Environment, Water, and Energy; Recycling, Re-packaging, Reselling, Re-using, and other Waste Minimization Efforts; and Other.

Once downloaded, you can input your own data to help you either identify your baseline of where you are regarding sustainability or start developing a mechanism for tracking your own key performance indicators (KPIs) with both qualitative and quantitative items.

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to our operations and decision-making. I recently used the analogy that it’s like a tidal wave that can’t be outrun. Instead, we must be proactive, rise to the challenge, and understand how to ride that wave as best we can.

The chemical industry has the unique opportunity to be part of the solution and drive future change in terms of technology, products, and safer working practices.

Working together is crucial and Alliance members will continue to play a pivotal role in making positive change throughout the entire supply chain. We hope the support and tools we provide will support you on that journey.

Our website offers many valuable resources for our members and Affiliates. To find out more about Responsible Distribution or to access the ACD Sustainability Tracker and other tools, visit

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