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Staying Connected through Webinars

Nowadays it's never been so important to stay connected — both to our friends and families, but also to our peers in the workplace and across the chemical distribution industry. Collaboration is an important part of what we do, and continued learning is key to staying current on all the latest changes, regulations, and business opportunities facing our industry. In that spirit, NACD has long offered webinars to provide ongoing education around important issues. Recently, we’ve started charging a nominal fee to participate in these educational opportunities, and I wanted to spend some time explaining why.

As an association, everything we do is centered on delivering value to our members. Whether we’re connecting you to lawmakers, organizing events, or producing webinars, this is all being done with you in mind. Our webinars bring together leading experts to discuss the issues that matter to you, and we realize how important it is to keep them going at a time when many of us are still physically apart. In reality, these webinars have always cost money to produce — as does any quality educational offering. In the past, we have been able to offer them free of charge to members, but due to the current financial reality facing us and many other trade associations, we’ve had to ask more of our members than usual.

Your financial support and webinar contributions go a long way in helping sustain NACD, and ensure we’ll continue to be a strong voice for chemical distributors across America when it matters most. It also ensures that we can continue to deliver the programming and resources you’ve come to expect from us and our partners.

Just in this past year, we’ve produced webinars on how to effectively utilize funding from the CARES Act, adjust operations to qualify your products to be USMCA compliant, and stay ahead of the curve on marketplace changes happening in freight trucking. We’ve also hosted countless webinars to ensure you stay compliant for the 7th Cycle of Responsible Distribution. Moving forward, we’ll continue to deliver valuable programming detailing how to establish a high growth mentality at your company, managing in an uncertain economy, and a valuable session on unconscious bias training — just to name a few.

At NACD, our members are a source of strength and serve as a guiding light in everything we do. I cannot overstate how much your support and participation means to us, and we sincerely appreciate your understanding as we adjust certain elements of our offerings.

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