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Save the Date for the Rescheduled Fly-In

Even though we haven’t been able to physically welcome our members to Washington D.C. this year to walk the halls of Capitol Hill and meet our lawmakers, we’re excited to be able to invite you to our first ever Virtual Fly-In.

With COVID-19 hampering our advocacy efforts, it’s vital we continue to engage with our elected officials and agency representatives as much as we possibly can – even if not in person. But while this rescheduled event will obviously be slightly different from the usual two-day format, and will instead be condensed into a single afternoon, there will still be plenty to talk about.

So please join us for a few hours on September 22, when we’ll be hosting three roundtable discussions about the pressing issues affecting the industry. Attendees can expect updates on the regulatory and legislative landscape, as well as discussions on how things are shaping up heading into November’s election.

We’re lucky enough to be joined by three fantastic speakers for some enlightening debate, with plenty of opportunities for participants to pose questions.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (WV-R) will be our opening speaker, and will be joined by Mandy Gunasekara, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Chief of Staff, as well as Glenn Bass, Director, Office of Food and Feed Operations and Debra DeVlieger, National Food Expert in the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.

Senator Capito has been especially supportive of NACD over the years. She is a member of the Appropriations Committee, Committee on Environment and Public Works, and serves as chairwoman of the Transportation, Infrastructure Subcommittee - which will be considering the infrastructure package that needs to be reauthorized by the end of September.

Mandy also knows us very well, having worked here at NACD some years ago. She’ll bring some interesting insight, such as what the Trump administration has been doing to provide regulatory relief and rollbacks.

We think rescheduling the Fly-in and being able to have this kind of interaction is invaluable - even if it does mean we’re having to do it virtually.

NACD would be doing all of you a huge disservice if we didn't make the effort to continue advocating even during these times of COVID.

It’s hugely important to keep our membership in front of members of Congress and agency decision makers, and to talk about the great work done by our industry. After all, this is still a relationships business, and it’s never been more important for them to hear about the issues directly affecting their constituents and local businesses.

To see NACD’s 2020 Election Guide, and to find out more about the Fly-In, visit and


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