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Resources for a New Era of Responsible Distribution

To help NACD members prepare for the changes coming with Responsible Distribution 2023, we’re pleased to announce some new and updated resources being added to our website.

In its most significant update for some time, the next phase of our mandatory third-party verification program will include added guidance and combine two existing codes with new requirements to create a framework for sustainability. We’ll also be transitioning away from the traditional three-year cycle format to bring Responsible Distribution more in line with other management systems.

These helpful resources aim to explain the new additions to Responsible Distribution and make it easier to meet the various requirements.

Among the updates, the latest edition of the Specifications and Guidance Document is now available. It includes information you need about the new program requirements, including examples of conformance and a breakdown of the structure of the new sustainability code.

We’re also refreshing our Gap Assessment Tool. So, whether you’re a company that’s new to the program and carrying out your initial assessment or an existing member that wants to use it as an internal audit tool, this easy-to-use spreadsheet walks you through all the requirements of Responsible Distribution to highlight any areas that might need your attention.

An overhaul to the Starter Kit has seen it almost double in size to include over 70 example documents – 19 of which focus on the new sustainability code. This paid resource includes an instant download of a collection of checklists, policies, procedures, templates, and training matrices, providing a great starting point for companies. All the documents are provided in formats that can easily be tailored and modified to fit the specific needs of your business. The new version also includes a comprehensive index, making navigating the documents even easier.

We’ve also updated our popular Comparison Guide to include a side-by-side comparison of Responsible Distribution 2023 against other prominent management systems, including ISO 4501/9001/14001, ACC’s Responsible Care, and RC 14001. This handy tool helps to streamline the internal audit process for those who run multiple management systems, saving time and preventing duplication of effort.

In addition, the new Code Coordinator Manual – coming soon – offers another invaluable reference tool as the go-to destination for any information relating to the program and its various requirements, timelines, and processes.

We’re also pleased to announce five additions to our NACD U online training lineup that will be released before the end of the year.

The first, Responsible Distribution 2023 Fundamentals for General Audience and Code Coordinators, launched earlier this month and replaced the existing Responsible Distribution 101 for Code Coordinators module.

We recently launched the corresponding Responsible Distribution 2023 Fundamentals for Senior Managers. Soon, we’ll release another titled What is Responsible Distribution 2023 (With Lessons Learned). There will also be two additional courses dedicated to the new sustainability code.

All five of these courses will be required training for member companies prior to their next verification. Any new companies will need to take all five of these plus all the code-specific courses already available in the NACD U course catalog.

Combined with our Adviser Program and virtual and in-person training through our various workshops and webinars, you’ll have all the information you’ll need for Responsible Distribution 2023 and beyond.

We walked through the new-look program in a recent webinar, outlining all these various tools and resources. But don’t worry if you missed it – you can access a replay here.

To find out more about Responsible Distribution and to access these resources, visit:

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