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Repeat and 'Three-peat' Site Visits Boost Impact

The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.”

—John Wooden, coach of 10x NCAA men’s basketball champions UCLA Bruins

While many of us are gearing up for summer vacation, Members of Congress are preparing for an extended district work period during August recess. When senators and representatives are in their home states and districts for summer recess, it’s the perfect time for NACD members to invite them to take a facility tour or convene a town hall with employees. By doing so, they can see first-hand why we need their support.

From cargo shipping delays to badly needed rail reform, showing (and telling) the Responsible Distribution journey and elevating our industry’s challenges during in-person site visits never grows old.

I recently tagged along with Michael Husain at Colonial Chemical for a facility tour in Savannah that we arranged for Congressman Buddy Carter and his staff. Besides their pristine facility, I was impressed by how comfortable Michael and his team were interacting with the Congressman and engaging him about their work and unique perspectives. It was so organic.

Following the visit, Michael sent me a thank you note, which reinforced why. His note read in part, “We enjoyed seeing the Congressman again as our folks are much more comfortable speaking their mind once they have gotten to know a Congressperson. Even more importantly, the chance to show chemical distribution’s impact in the local economy as well as voice our concerns and trials with transportation issues should help Congressman Carter represent us better in Washington D.C.”

His note immediately underscored for me the importance of repeat site visits. Facilities grow and change to accommodate new equipment and more employees over time—so should the human connection between NACD members and their elected officials. As with most things, repetition boosts impact and leads to results. Site visits aren’t one and done exchanges.

If you’d like to set up a facility visit today:

  1. Contact NACD staff (703) 527-6223 to let them know when you are available to host a visit. Most site visits happen when Congress is in recess (e.g., August), so please be flexible if possible.
  2. NACD staff will reach out to your Member of Congress’ office directly to coordinate schedules.
  3. Once a day and time are confirmed, NACD staff will email you briefing materials and talk to you personally about the federal issues relevant to the site visit.
  4. Give the Member of Congress a brief tour of your facility, followed by a meeting on the federal issues. NACD staff will be on-hand to help.
  5. Take pictures of your visit with the Member of Congress, and report the details of your visit back to NACD staff.

And in case you missed my last blog about the “50 for 50” member challenge, check it out here to find out how you could win a great number of prizes just by hosting your legislators at your facilities.

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