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Online Training: Flexible, Cost-Effective, and Efficient

Online Training: Flexible, Cost-Effective, and Efficient

Looking for the most cost effective way to train yourself or your employees? Online training can help you achieve that goal without having to sacrifice a large amount of time and resources for your company. Through online training, you can cater to your specific needs in your career or at your company to obtain the most comprehensive programs at the lowest cost. Here are just some of the specific benefits:

  • Complement Traditional Learning - Online learning can be used to supplement traditional learning by appealing to a wide variety of learning styles. Repetition of concepts in different ways makes lessons more effective than presenting them in just one way. Through online courses, you can gain access to lectures, texts, video explanations, images, and more—such as the ability to set personal goals, giving you the largest opportunity for success.
  • Save Time and Money - By training employees online, companies don’t have to organize in-person seminars, but can still reap all the rewards of training sessions while saving time and money. For example, by switching to e-learning IBM saved $200 million. When Dow Chemical began using learning content management systems and electronic delivery, they went from spending an average of $95 on each course per person to just $11, and that’s not counting saved travel expenses!
  • Retain Employees - Online learning has been proven to increase employee retention, and research has shown that employees actually want more training opportunities. In fact, 76% of workers want opportunities to improve their performance. On top of that, a full quarter of employees would find greater job satisfaction if they were given ways to do their jobs better. And nearly 40% of workers who leave in the first year do so because of a lack of training! Online learning can serve to satisfy employees while also improving the expertise of your workers, ultimately leading to better performance.
  • Track Results - Results are easy to track—employers can easily see what lessons have been completed and by whom. Plus, scores come back almost immediately after employees finish an assessment, so companies can see and quickly address what their employees’ strengths and weaknesses are.
  • Learn On the Go - Courses can go wherever is convenient for participants as long as you have a connection to the internet, making the information much more accessible and taking off the pressure of getting all employees in the same place at the same time and losing revenue because you have to shut down your business.
  • Set Your Own Pace - Information can be accessed and learned at paces suited to you, and emphasis can be strategically placed based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Tailor Your Own Education - With ever changing laws and technologies, making sure employees stay informed about the latest information in their field is critical to any company’s success. Companies can tailor courses, combining the elements most relevant to them, and update them at any time. Course materials themselves are also frequently updated to reflect new information.

These are just a few of the benefits of online training, but it’s clear that the rewards are many for participating in this style of learning. To get you started on your path to online learning, NACD developed a resource called NACD U that we have tailored specifically for those in the chemical distribution industry. Given all the benefits mentioned above, I highly recommend you check it out to see how you can leverage the courses available to enhance your skillset