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NACD In-Person Site Visits Making a 'Comeback' this Summer, with a New Twist

Over a year ago, we all witnessed the immediate social and economic implications of the coronavirus. In nearly every aspect of our lives, the world changed as we knew it.

A stark reminder that many impacts remain, a recent Gallup poll found that 70% of Americans who typically worked in an office setting are still working from home. However, the essential, behind-the-scenes work done inside warehouses and blending facilities to deliver chemical products to more than 750,000 customers across the country never stopped.

Throughout the pandemic, NACD members have supported their communities by delivering valuable products to help mitigate the worst impacts of the virus and keep our economy functioning.

We even found a way for key stakeholders and elected officials to “visit” NACD facilities virtually last year to see first-hand how distributors continued to operate safely during the pandemic.

Meeting with your elected official here in D.C. is valuable, but it only represents one tool in the legislative affairs toolbox. In-district site visits make our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill come to life because it gives policymakers a direct glimpse into the operational intricacies of the important work done on the ground at chemical distribution facilities.

Virtual facility visits helped bridge the gap, but as more Americans are getting vaccinated and COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted across the country, in-person site visits are making a comeback this summer!

NACD makes setting up a facility visit easy. Here is how it works:

  1. Contact NACD staff (703) 527-6223 to let them know when you are available to host a visit. Most site visits happen when Congress is in recess (e.g., August), so please be flexible if possible.
  2. NACD staff will reach out to your Member of Congress’ office directly to coordinate schedules.
  3. Once a day and time are confirmed, NACD staff will email you briefing materials and talk to you personally about the federal issues relevant to the site visit.
  4. Give the Member of Congress a brief tour of your facility, followed by a meeting on the federal issues.
  5. Take pictures of your visit with the Member of Congress, and report the details of your visit back to NACD staff.

New This Year

We’re excited to announce that in honor of NACD’s 50th anniversary, we’re debuting the NACD Site Visit Program 50 for 50 Member Challenge.  

With an eye toward reaching our goal to secure at least 50 NACD site visits this summer, participating NACD member companies will compete for a chance to win a complimentary NACD registration to the next Washington Fly-in.

All participants will be featured on NACD social media properties, and the top five winners randomly selected from the drawing will receive a framed letter of recognition signed by their Member of Congress -plus- an NACD 50th anniversary swag bundle. The NACD member who hosts the most site visits this summer will secure the grand prize. The contest closes on September 30, 2021.

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Contact NACD to set up a facility visit. NACD members will automatically be entered into the “50 for 50” challenge for each site visit that they host this summer.
  2. During each site visit, participating member companies must take a photo and report the details of the visit back to NACD staff.
  3. Make sure to follow NACD on social media to see how the competition is heating up and check out your company’s member spotlight.

With congressional visits being suspended for over a year due to the pandemic and the many challenges facing our industry like cargo shipping delays, potentially increasing TSCA fees, and ongoing rail issues, hosting Members of Congress for an in-district tour and one-on-one meeting is more important than ever.

If you’re interested in entering the “50 for 50” challenge and would like more information about hosting a site visit at your facility this summer, fill out this site visit request form.

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