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NACD Expands Team to Develop Online Training Resources

Since Responsible Distribution is built on continuous improvement, we’re always looking to enhance the program and make changes to ensure our members have the latest information at hand.

Our online training platform, NACD U, has become an integral part of the resources we offer, and we’re now looking to take our Learning Management System (LMS) to the next level.

NACD is therefore pleased to welcome Gayle Ogletree to our team in a brand-new position as Coordinator of Education Programs. Gayle will primarily be focused on growing and expanding NACD U, in addition to other online learning opportunities, which has really come into its own these last few years, despite the pandemic.

As the LMS and NACD U continue to evolve, Gayle will draw on her previous role as an educator to explore the potential of the platform and ensure our members have a wide variety of useful and engaging resources available to them.

Responsible Distribution 2023 is the latest iteration of our mandatory, third-party-verification program. As a condition of membership, it has become the industry’s benchmark by which Environmental, Health, Safety and Security (EHS&S) and now Sustainability performance is measured.

All existing NACD member companies and Chemical Handler Affiliates are required to complete five new NACD U courses before their next verification.

The first two, Responsible Distribution 2023 Fundamentals for General Audience and Code Coordinators and Responsible Distribution 2023 Fundamentals for Senior Managers, provide a foundation to the program and an understanding of the various requirements.

The third, What is Responsible Distribution 2023 (With Lessons Learned), discusses the recent changes and shines a spotlight on some of the areas that have previously been cited for non-conformances, or areas of improvement that have been needed by member companies.

The remaining modules are focused on our new sustainability code. The first covers corporate social responsibility and how companies can better protect their employees, families, and communities.

The other deals with the environment, recycling, waste, and green initiatives – looking at how we can lessen the negative impacts in our world and maximize product usage and services.

Candidate companies and new Chemical Handler Affiliates will also need to enroll in a series of code specific courses that are currently being rolled out. Modules for the first four codes are scheduled for release before the end of June 2023, with the rest going live by the end of the calendar year.

We hope you’ll join us in welcoming Gayle to the team!


To find out more about NACD U visit or you can reach out to Gayle Ogletree directly at

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