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January's Virtual Fly-In Sets Its Sights on Trade

As we look to the new year, and what will hopefully be a safe and successful 2021, we’re excited to announce the first in a series of virtual Washington Fly-Ins to ensure our advocacy efforts are still being heard on Capitol Hill.

Join us via Zoom on the afternoon of January 26, 2021, for a packed three-hours focused on trade, and a deep dive into the big issues that will likely affect our industry moving forward.

We’re fortunate to be joined by Senator Todd Young of Indiana serving on the U.S Senate Committee on Finance, who will be providing his perspective on what to expect regarding upcoming trade policy. He’ll also be looking at the China 301 Tariffs and possible changes from the new Administration as President Joe Biden takes to the White House.

Another of our speakers is Jennifer Rohrbach, Senior Program Analyst at the U.S. International Trade Commission, who oversees the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill  Program –which expired on December 31, 2020. This should prove to be a particularly timely and insightful discussion.

Be sure to also download our new mobile app, NACD ReACT, in advance of the meeting. It's available on Google Play and the Apple App Store and is a great way to view the agenda, access the speakers’ biographies, and see their positions on various votes and legislation.

Registration opened just a few weeks ago and there’s already been a fantastic response. We’re hopeful this policy-focused session will exceed the number of participants we saw in our first-ever virtual Fly-In in September. Places are available now for only $59.

NACD still hopes to welcome everyone to our usual in-person event this coming May but, of course, a lot depends on lockdowns, the traveling situation, and whether the offices on the Hill are open for meetings.

Right now, at least, these virtual events are a fantastic way to give our members the chance to speak directly with these important legislators and regulatory officials.

Advocacy is still top of NACD’s agenda and this type of interaction has an enormous long-term benefit. Whether it’s having someone to approach with a pressing issue, or getting them to understand who you are and what the industry does, our members of Congress really do love to hear from their constituents and the people they’re representing.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get your voice heard.

Find out more at

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