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Introducing ACD: Backing the Experts the World Depends On

As you might have heard, the National Association for Chemical Distributors (NACD) has announced that the organization is now the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD). Yesterday, when we announced this exciting news at our 2023 Annual Meeting, I looked around at our new top-notch branding and the audience, including faces of long-time industry veterans and those representing the next generation of chemical distribution, and was reminded what a distinct honor it is to be the FIRST Chairman of ACD.

This group's strength is truly remarkable. Our ability to bounce back no matter what is thrown our way is a clear testament to the collective know-how we all possess. We've navigated through natural disasters, economic rollercoasters, and some real tough supply chain challenges, but we always find a way to adapt and innovate. Our ability to think on our feet is instrumental in making sure we can continue to do what we do and be the best at it.

We understand the potential risks associated with the chemicals we handle. We know that the economy and American people depend on us for their daily lives. As leaders in the $27B+ chemical distribution industry, we commit to the highest standards in quality, safety, sustainability, and performance through ACD Responsible DistributionTM.

But the work of chemical distribution can sometimes feel thankless or misunderstood. With its new name, logo, “Empowered Performance. Unrivaled Expertise.”  tagline, and brand conviction of “backing the experts the world depends on,” ACD shows that it clearly sees the incredible businesses that make up this great industry. ACD reflects the diversification underway in the chemical distribution industry and more fully captures all it is doing to support the chemical distribution experts who ensure the high-quality chemical products that are so essential to our daily lives get where they need to be, when they need to be there.

And they are backing us every step of the way. As chemical distribution industry members have grown and diversified, this new brand and refreshed approach will allow ACD to better champion its current members. It broadens the scope to more opportunities to grow the organization, and enables members of the chemical distribution industry to strengthen their united voice before decisionmakers in Washington, D.C. and beyond.

There have been years of good thinking, hard work, and substantive conversations behind this change. If you haven’t already, I invite you to watch the recorded livestream of the 2023 Annual Meeting announcement to learn more from the Board and executive staff on how we got here. I also encourage you to watch the new ACD video on the landing page.

I hope you are as excited and energized by this rebrand as I am! Welcome to ACD!

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