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Honoring the Unsung Heroes: ACD's Experts of the Year

Does someone in your team go above and beyond in their day-to-day role, but doesn’t necessarily get the credit they deserve? Are they a standard bearer for the industry? Do they work tirelessly to represent you, your business, or ACD?

The Alliance is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new initiative, “ACD's Experts of the Year,” to celebrate the efforts of those who exemplify our industry and especially, the four pillars of ACD: Advocacy, Connection, Education, and Standards.

This exclusive new listing recognizes members who often work behind the scenes and are the unsung heroes of chemical distribution.

The aim is not only to recognize the deserving members within the ACD community, but also to highlight the fantastic work of our members to the wider public and demonstrate the positive ways their lives are impacted by the work our experts do.

Those shortlisted in the new listing truly embody what the Alliance stands for:

  • Advocacy. These individuals are the voice of our industry and really get involved in advocacy efforts. They may have attended our annual Washington Fly-In each May, hosted site visits for their local representatives, or perhaps sent letters to them urging action on certain issues.
  • Connections. This category is for those who we think are particularly talented at bringing our members together or connecting prospective members with ACD. They are likely regulars at our events and meetings, passionate about networking, and highly active in our community.
  • Education. This pillar is about understanding the importance of continuous improvement and working hard to expand knowledge and training. Candidates may have hosted a webinar for us or been among the first to sign up when we launch a new training program. This category acknowledges those who understand that to do business well in this industry, you constantly need to be learning and improving so you can stay safe and efficient.
  • Standards At ACD, standards are at the core of what we do. Our members are the best at doing what they do and are committed to ACD’s Responsible Distribution TM program. Adhering to exemplary standards ensures the safety of our teams, colleagues, and communities.

ACD’s team has spent the past few months collecting nominations for our initial cohort of highly deserving candidates who fit within these categories. We will be showcasing them and their achievements in a special edition of our magazine, Chemicals in Motion, which is being published in March 2025, as well as on ACD's social media channels.

Throughout 2025, we’ll also be inviting you to submit your nominations for who you think should be recognized in the next listing. Stay tuned for updates and to find out how to get involved!


Do you know someone who truly embodies the spirit of ACD's Pillars: Education, Connection, Advocacy, or Standards? It’s time to give them the recognition they deserve. Nominate your colleagues and industry peers who make a difference for “ACD's Experts of the Year” listing. Send an email with their details (including name, role, and why they deserve a shoutout) to Susannah Williams at

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