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Going All-In On Responsible Distribution: In Your Own Words

Going All-In On Responsible Distribution: In Your Own Words

Earlier this year, I highlighted the fact that NACD is celebrating the 25thanniversary of NACD Responsible Distribution®. Since that time, I have heard from many of you that Responsible Distribution is a significant investment of time and manpower that pays even greater dividends. The safety and security benefits of the program are unprecedented. However, in many cases, the benefits go well beyond these core values, including improvements in productivity, reliability, customer relations, supply chain management and practically every other facet of chemical distribution.

In a previous post, I asked you to think about how Responsible Distribution has impacted your company. In case you missed it, I wanted to share a few highlights NACD members offered about the benefits of Responsible Distribution in the Chemical Distributor Responsible Distribution Special Anniversary Issue (August 2016).

“We all like to measure tangible ROI, but sometimes it’s what you can’t measure that is the true payback. What is it worth to have no major chemical accidents in the 16 years that we have been focusing on Responsible Distribution so that the revenue can go to the bottom line?”

– Melanie Koch, CFO of ChemOne Limited

“The Responsible Distribution Code of Management Practice covered so many operational issues we were able to develop a template that was easy to share, which not only improved our operations and safety but made it easy to implement and eliminate duplicity.”

– David Garner, Senior Vice President of Operations at Brenntag North America

“Better supply chains can deliver consistently. Responsible Distribution brings this reliability to the supply chain because it enables us to define a best-in-class process and execute it consistently.”

– Brett Mears, President of Palmer Logistics

“Responsible Distribution gave us the impetus to reach out to communities. We attend Local Emergency Planning Committees and keep in touch with the fire departments, medical teams, the police, plus other industries and utilities.”

– David Binder, Director of Quality, Safety and Regulatory Affairs of Tanner Industries

“Another advantage to NACD and its policies and procedures is that your supplier base looks at you differently than if you weren’t an NACD member. They know we are meeting those stated procedures in Responsible Distribution when distributing their products.”

– Bruce Schechinger, CEO of BHS Marketing

As responsible chemical distributors, NACD members set the standard against which the industry is measured. I hope the benefits reaped by companies that have gone “all-in” on Responsible Distribution mirror benefits your company has seen and encourage you to look at other benefits you may be experiencing thanks to your commitment to safety, security, environmental performance and continuous improvement. I’d love to hear more stories about how Responsible Distribution has impacted your business for the better.