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Get Involved and Invite a Member of Congress to Your Facility Today

NACD’s Government Affairs team regularly visits Capitol Hill to talk to Congress members and their offices about the vitally important work carried out by our membership.

We’re always telling them about your role in the supply chain, how the chemicals you handle and distribute affect our everyday lives, and how your business creates jobs and supports local communities.

But it’s not enough. While they appreciate hearing all this from us, it’s not really tangible to them.

That’s why site visits are an essential part of NACD’s advocacy efforts, providing the perfect opportunity for members to invite policymakers in-person to their facilities so you can build invaluable long-standing relationships.

We work in a very heavily regulated industry, and every day Congress people and Senators discuss the intricacies of national security, chemical policy, and everything in between. The chemical industry branches into so many different policy topics – many of which they won’t be particularly familiar with.

So, spending an hour touring your facilities to see how you operate provides enormous insight and helps them understand a little more about you, your business, and the wider industry.

Believe me, it makes all the difference.

They will remember those experiences and take them back to Washington. The next time a bill comes up regarding the chemical sector, they’ll think back to their visit and will have a far better idea of its impact. It helps them relate to the issues – and makes them far more likely to fight in your corner.

I really can't overstate how much of a critical juncture this industry is at right now. There are so many policies that have been passed and signed into law that are ultimately going to impact you and your businesses.

That makes site visits all the more important; we need to build these relationships so the decision makers recognize the impact their decisions have.

If you’ve never before participated in our annual Fly-In or been fortunate enough to meet your elected official and have a one-to-one discussion with them, it’s really quite an experience.

 And now is the perfect time to think about hosting a site visit. Congress will be out of session for all of October, and we recommend you work with NACD to get on their schedule before they return to Washington in November. They will then return once more before heading back home again in December, so there are plenty of opportunities to get a date in the books. Whether it’s the Democrats or Republicans that hold and control the House of Representatives and the Senate, we want to build those relationships on both sides of the aisle so that we can best share our story. It’s important we bridge that gap of bipartisanship and get as many Members of Congress as possible out to your facilities so they can truly understand the part you play in the American economy.

We realize it can be a little daunting hosting a Member of Congress at your site, but NACD staff are here to help and support you every step of the way:

  1. Reach out to me or a member of the NACD team to discuss your availability and when you’d be willing to host a visit. Find out more at our website or contact me directly at
  2. NACD will contact your Member of Congress’ office directly to coordinate schedules.
  3. Once a meeting is confirmed, we’ll work with you to help you get ready and talk through any issues you’d like to raise.
  4. Give the Member of Congress a tour of your facility, get your team involved, take a few photos and start building that relationship!

At the start of this year, we set an ambitious target of achieving 30 site visits by year-end – and we’re well on track to exceed that total. At the time of writing this article, we have 28 already completed or scheduled.

Be sure to add your name to that list!


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