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EPA Numbers Prove Chemical Industry's Commitment to EHS&S

EPA Numbers Prove Chemical Industry's Commitment to EHS&S

People often hear the word ‘chemical’ and think the worst – hazardous, dangerous, toxic. But the reality is much different. Chemistry is involved in almost every consumer good in the United States – from the sea salt in your packaged foods, to the pigments in your kids’ crayons, to the cleansers you use to keep your home tidy.  Every day we use antibacterials to prevent illnesses, water treatment additives for our clean drinking water, and so much more. 

Chemistry makes our lives better, and NACD members are committed to driving industry innovations forward in a safe and responsible way. We’ve believed for a long time that our environmental, health, safety, and security (EHS&S) program known as NACD Responsible Distribution® makes our industry and surrounding communities safer.

Now, we have U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data that proves how Responsible Distribution helps NACD member facilities minimize their environmental impact. 

Let me give you a few numbers from our analysis of the EPA’s most recently available statistics (from 2016):

  • The average release per NACD member facility was 34 percent lower than the average for non-NACD member facilities within the chemical wholesaler sector.
  • Total emissions were cut by 38 percent from 2015 in the chemical wholesaler sector.
  • The average release per facility in the chemical wholesaler sector decreased by 15 percent.
  • NACD member facilities in total reduced their releases by 33 percent from 2015.

On a big picture level based off of EPA’s numbers, our analysis shows that the chemical distribution industry had the lowest average emissions per facility of any reporting industry.  

This is a success story that highlights our industry’s earnest commitment to environmental, health, safety, and security issues. As EPA’s numbers prove, companies involved in the business of chemistry positively contribute to making 21st century life better and our economy stronger while keeping EHS&S the utmost priority.