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Electoral Expectations for 2020

We’re less than two months away from election day and this contest is poised to have big implications for chemical distributors across America. President Trump is running on the economic successes of his first term and is expected to continue his deregulatory agenda if reelected. Former Vice President Biden is offering voters a different vision for economic growth under his Build Back Better banner. While Vice President Biden is commanding a steady lead in most national polls, the Trump campaign is counting on their base to help him deliver another term in the White House.

This is all to say that there is plenty left to be decided between now and November 3. The coronavirus pandemic has forced campaigns to reimagine how they reach voters during this public health crisis, and it is likely to play a key role in the outcome of the election. More Americans are expected to vote by mail this cycle than ever before — meaning that we may not know the results of the election for several weeks after the polls close.

No matter who you support — or how you plan on voting — it’s important to show up on election day and make your voice heard by voting. NACD has been able to deliver significant legislative and regulatory wins thanks to sustained advocacy — including securing an extension of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program and removing hundreds of chemical products from Section 301 tariffs. Looking forward, we have to remain engaged to ensure that critical programs like the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) are renewed and that Congress continues working to deliver support to small businesses still facing economic hardship from the coronavirus pandemic. Turning out on election day is the best way to support Members of Congress who have helped make these wins possible and ensure they get the opportunity to continue delivering more for our industry.

There are hundreds of seats up for reelection in Congress, and it can by dizzying to track the races that matter most to our industry. Thankfully, our 2020 Election Guide was developed to help demystify the upcoming election, break through the punditry, and help shine a light on the bigger electoral picture. Here, we draw in the best polling and electoral intelligence to give you insight into races that will have the greatest impact on chemical distribution — both at the federal and state level.

Importantly, it features projections for House and Senate races and includes ratings summaries to help you see what it will take for either party to gain a majority in either chamber. It is unclear if the country will have a Congress that is Republican-controlled, Democrat-controlled, or split like it is now. Current projections do suggest Democrats will maintain control of the House. The Senate, however, could go either way, with roughly a third of the chamber’s seats up for grabs — the majority of which are currently held by Republicans.

This election will truly be like no other — and the uncertain nature of the coronavirus pandemic makes it even more critical that you have a plan for voting. If you’re voting in person, make sure to check your registration details and verify that you know where your polling location is. If you plan on voting by mail, do so as early as possible. It’s never been so important to be engaged in the political process, and voting is the best way to make your voice heard.


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