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Challenging Times – How Our Association Is Addressing Them

In the last week or so we have experienced some of the most tumultuous days I have ever witnessed here in the Washington, D.C. area. While the terrorist attacks of September 11th were certainly events no one will ever forget, last Wednesday’s riots on Capitol Hill were scary, disheartening, and, plainly put, unacceptable. As a former Hill staffer and now an association executive, I have been fortunate to walk the halls of the U.S. Capitol for more than 25-years. Whether having meetings with Members of Congress or simply walking by a police officer and saying hello, you can easily forget the family that exists and protects you on the hallowed grounds we call the U.S. Capitol. Lord knows I did, but I certainly won’t do so moving forward in the wake of last week’s nightmare.

As a trade association, we work closely with Members of Congress and staff on issues important to our members. We are not ashamed of this fact. Whether it is working to renew the Generalized System of Preferences and Miscellaneous Tariff Bill or supporting a bipartisan, comprehensive infrastructure measure, we will continue to represent our members with integrity, passion, and professionalism with congressional leaders and staff as we always have.

The election is over. President-elect Biden will become the 46th president of the United States, and we stand ready and willing to work with his administration once he takes office. In the Senate, we now see a 50-50 split among Republicans and Democrats with the majority changing hands to the Democrats. 

I reiterate: NACD stands ready to work with congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle, as it always has, to address issues important to the chemical distribution industry. 

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