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Building a Stronger Tomorrow: NACD's Emerging Leaders Program

NACD will soon invite applications for the next class of our Emerging Leaders program.

Those selected will be part of a close, trusted group of peers learning topics essential to the next generation of leaders, such as critical thinking, advocacy tactics, industry insights, inclusivity, communication, technology, and more.

Since its launch 10 years ago, the program has grown hugely popular and become an important member resource to succeed as a leader in chemical distribution.

As the older generation transitions into retirement, it’s vital we find and nurture future leaders and encourage fresh ideas, ambitions, and direction in our industry.

For member companies thinking about putting some of their top talent through the program, it's a great way of showing these high-potential employees just how much you value their abilities and want to invest in them.

For the participants themselves, becoming an Emerging Leader means you’ll gain an excellent grounding in the fundamentals of business and learn how to effectively manage and steer a team. Our carefully curated sessions offer excellent training, providing access to fantastic speakers and respected senior executives in our industry that you can learn from.

Additionally, it’s a wonderful opportunity to network and become part of a community from which you and your peers can draw support from as you progress in your careers.

As an association, we hope this up-and-coming group of distribution professionals get to know us a little better, understand what we do, and our value to them and their companies. Perhaps they may even want to volunteer some time down the line and help support the industry by joining one of our task forces, committees, or, in longer term, the NACD Board.

Currently, we have two former Emerging Leaders as non-voting participants on the Board. We also have many alumni across our committees.

Applications received will be reviewed by NACD’s Education Committee and the successful candidates will be contacted by the end of the year.

We’re looking for highly motivated individuals with at least three to five years working in chemical distribution. They should also have management responsibilities or be in line to lead a team.

Those selected must be fully committed to the program and willing to attend the scheduled workshops, in-person events, and virtual meetings over the two-year program.

Feedback has been fantastic, and interest has grown tremendously over the years. However, there are only limited spaces available, so be sure to get your application in to ensure your seat at the table.

The aim of the Emerging Leaders program is to help NACD member companies groom their up-and-coming leaders in both industry knowledge and leadership management skills and tactics.

Their future careers will see plenty of obstacles along the way, particularly with the regulatory environment getting tougher and a consolidating industry making it even harder to seek out new customers and suppliers.

The next generation needs the skills to be able to overcome these hurdles – and we’re confident that being an Emerging Leader emboldens them to rise to the challenge.

To find out more or complete an application, visit the website at

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