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Responsible Reflections Blog

Healthcare on the Hill – What's Needed for Chemical Distributors
May 25, 2017
Healthcare on the Hill – What's Needed for Chemical Distributors

For a long time, healthcare has been and continues to be an issue that has real and lasting implications for Americans across the country. While many smart people are working around the clock to come up with a solution that works for all Americans, finding that solution isn’t easy. Given the persistent quagmire in Washington these days, I believe it’s time we forge our own path to solve the healthcare problem facing our industry.

By Eric Byer, NACD
American Infrastructure Is on the Brink of Failing – The Time to Act Is Now
May 11, 2017
American Infrastructure Is on the Brink of Failing – The Time to Act Is Now

Transportation infrastructure is the lifeblood of our economy. Unfortunately, that lifeblood has been ignored over recent years and has been allowed to become anemic, threatening the veins and arteries that feed our very economy. As Infrastructure Week kicks off in earnest next week, we are reminded of how important our roads, bridges, airports, and seaports are to growing the US economy and ensuring we continue being a global economic powerhouse.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Inbound Logistics Podcast: Are You and Your Supply Chain Partners Shipping Chemicals Safely?
April 18, 2017
Inbound Logistics Podcast: Are You and Your Supply Chain Partners Shipping Chemicals Safely?

The logistics of shipping chemicals often comes with it’s own unique set of challenges. Ensuring the standards of safety and proper protocol falls to the National Association of Chemical Distributors who works with supply-chain partners across the globe to realize their mission to enhance and communicate the professionalism and stewardship of the chemical distribution industry.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Personal Advocacy Can Help Address Major Industry Concerns
April 7, 2017
Personal Advocacy Can Help Address Major Industry Concerns

One of the many functions of trade associations like NACD is to advocate for the industry we represent in front of lawmakers and regulators. Oftentimes, the priorities of different industries are at odds with one another making the advocacy process difficult and slow. But, this year two issues stand out to NACD that have broad support among a number of industries – association health plans and regulatory reform. Asking Congress to address these two issues through your own personal advocacy efforts can make a major impact.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Shuttering CSB Is Not the Solution to Fiscal Woes
March 23, 2017
Shuttering CSB Is Not the Solution to Fiscal Woes

Last week, President Trump offered his FY 2018 budget submission to Congress for its consideration. While I applaud the president for attempting to trim this country’s ballooning fiscal footprint, his proposal takes whacks at several programs important to NACD members, most importantly the potential shuttering of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB).  

By Eric Byer, President, NACD
Strategic Selling: Security in a Business Crisis
March 17, 2017
Strategic Selling: Security in a Business Crisis

Losing your biggest account. It’s something no organization wants to think about, least of all small companies and start-ups … perhaps to the degree that they literally don’t think about it and are floored when it happens. To vendors that depend on a few key accounts for survival, it seems like a no brainer to say, “Be prepared.” The fact is, though, things happen beyond our control. 

By Eric Baker, Caliper
@realDonaldTrump – How Will the President's Social Media Outreach Impact @NACD_RD Members?
March 9, 2017
@realDonaldTrump – How Will the President's Social Media Outreach Impact @NACD_RD Members?

The American public is now digesting daily the commentary our President puts out on Twitter. Whether you agree with him or not, @realDonaldTrump continues to make headlines on a wide array of topics including the media, politics, policy and Hollywood (POTUS and the Terminator continue to have a spat over The Apprentice failing on TV). The question is, what impact will all this social media have in addressing the policy concerns confronting @NACD_RD members

By Eric Byer, President, NACD
Meaningful Regulatory Reform Needs to Happen Now
February 22, 2017
Meaningful Regulatory Reform Needs to Happen Now
Sound like a familiar statement from any small business owner here in the U.S.?  Well, if the stars were ever aligned to see meaningful reform of this country’s regulatory system, the time is certainly now with a Republican-led Congress and White House.  And for small businesses that saw eight years of dramatic regulatory expansion, it is time to stop the hemorrhaging.  According to the National Small Business Association (NSBA), small businesses spend $12,000/year on average to comply with government regulations, with a start-up company having to spend more than $83k! 
By Eric Byer, President, NACD
Celebrating National Periodic Table of Elements Day
February 7, 2017
Celebrating National Periodic Table of Elements Day

Chemicals are the building blocks of everyday life, but we at the National Association of Chemical Distributors know that elements are the building blocks of chemicals. We owe quite a lot to the creation of the Periodic Table of Elements, which is why we’re taking time today, on National Periodic Table Day, to thank Dmitry Mendeleev and Henry Moseley, as well as their predecessors Alexandre-Emile Béguyer de Chancourtois, John Newlands and Julius Lothar Meyer for creating a tool chemists around the world depend on. 

By Eric Byer, President, NACD
Embrace the Benefits of Online Safety Training
January 5, 2017
Embrace the Benefits of Online Safety Training

An essential part of running a successful business is making sure that both employees and products remain safe. Training employees about safety can be complicated and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. An easy, cost effective solution to this problem is using online training resources, which have many benefits including easy access to safety information, reduced costs to your business, fewer safety incidents, and more.

By Renee Hovanec, NACD