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Responsible Reflections Blog

2020 Vision: NACD's Top Priorities in the New Year
February 13, 2020
2020 Vision: NACD's Top Priorities in the New Year

As chemical distributors, we operate in a constantly changing legislative and regulatory environment. The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect on our top priorities and what we need to achieve our goals in the coming year.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Guest Blog: Weathering the Storm - How to Mitigate the Worst Effects of Disruption in Your Supply Chain
February 5, 2020
Guest Blog: Weathering the Storm - How to Mitigate the Worst Effects of Disruption in Your Supply Chain

By John Dunham, John Dunham & Associates
Reliability is a critical part of any supply chain. As chemical distributors, you owe it to the folks that depend on your products to have a plan for everything — even the unthinkable like natural disasters. While there is little you can do to prevent these events, there is plenty you can do to prepare for them and mitigate the worst effects of disruption for your customers and your business. 

By John Dunham, John Dunham & Associates
Survey Puts Spotlight on Sustainability
January 29, 2020
Survey Puts Spotlight on Sustainability

Ask ten people what “sustainability” means to them and you’ll get ten different answers. Ask those same people how they apply it to their business, and you’ll no doubt get many more. To get a clearer definition of how chemical distributors interpret this increasingly important issue, NACD has decided to survey its members and formulate a plan of action to provide guidance and practices of excellence.

By Mike Lang, NACD
Be Prepared for the TSCA Risk Evaluation Fees in 2020
January 23, 2020
Be Prepared for the TSCA Risk Evaluation Fees in 2020

As a part of the amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the authority to charge fees to chemical manufacturers and importers for the risk evaluations of chemicals in commerce. In late 2019, EPA designated as final 20 high-priority chemicals which now move directly into the risk evaluation process.

By Allison Tuszynski, NACD
Mentoring Month in Profile: Jim Benning
January 16, 2020
Mentoring Month in Profile: Jim Benning

No matter who you are and which industry you work in, chances are you know the power of a mentor. They might be the voice in your ear encouraging you to apply for that promotion, or that late-night call checking in after a long day at work. Even mentors have mentors — it’s how we pass on the best of what we know to the people that need it most. Being a good mentor can be a 24/7 job. And while mentorship is never limited to just one month, it’s particularly worth celebrating this January during National Mentoring Month.

By Mike Lang, NACD
On the Right Track for Change
December 18, 2019
On the Right Track for Change

Distributors are facing more rules, regulations, and pressures from the railroads than ever before. With the burden on small business growing significantly, now is the perfect time to share your concerns, get your voice heard, and help implement change. 

By Eric Byer, NACD
Changes to Independent Contractor Rules Threaten the Transportation Sector
December 3, 2019
Changes to Independent Contractor Rules Threaten the Transportation Sector

When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the state’s controversial AB 5 into law earlier this year, businesses in the state were frustrated, though not surprised. After all, California’s decision to effectively eliminate independent contractors as they are most commonly used is just one action in a long history of policies that has given the state its reputation for clumsy governing.

By Jack Detiveaux, NACD
NACD Joins the National Safety Council
November 20, 2019
NACD Joins the National Safety Council

Earlier this year, NACD became a member of the National Safety Council (NSC), a non-profit organization focused on eliminating preventable deaths and injuries in the workplace, at home, and on the road. For over a century, NSC has been a leading advocate for better safety practices – a commitment that aligns well with NACD’s own third-party verified environmental, health, safety, and security program.

By Mike Lang, NACD
Wrapping up the 6th Cycle, Ready for the Next
October 30, 2019
Wrapping up the 6th Cycle, Ready for the Next

The next phase of NACD Responsible Distribution® starts in January 2020, drawing a close to the 6th Cycle of the three-year mandatory verification program. Although there are no wholesale changes planned for the seventh iteration, the next cycle will continue to build on the achievements of the past three years.

By Matt McKinney, NACD
Tell Congress the Time Is Now for USMCA Ratification
October 30, 2019
Tell Congress the Time Is Now for USMCA Ratification

In keeping with his 2016 campaign promises, President Trump made it a priority for his administration to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). While many business leaders and trade groups would strongly disagree with his characterization of NAFTA, the agreement’s successor has shown in principle to be the substantive improvement that was promised.

By Jack Detiveaux, NACD