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Responsible Reflections Blog

Chemical Distributors Look to a Digital Future
April 23, 2020
Chemical Distributors Look to a Digital Future

Until recently, chemical producers and distributors have been fairly slow to react to the new opportunities posed by digital tools and technologies. Other industries such as banking and manufacturing have already embraced the advent of digitalization and have been able to both streamline operations and improve productivity as a result. However, opinions are changing and chemical distributors are becoming far more aware of the benefits and a little less reluctant to invest and innovate, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

NACD Members Are Doing Their Part to Support COVID-19 Efforts
April 7, 2020
NACD Members Are Doing Their Part to Support COVID-19 Efforts

The United States is facing one of the worst threats to our public health and economic growth in our nation’s history due to the rapidly increasing spread of COVID-19. The response from our government to ensure Americans are undertaking social distancing measures – while the right decision to control the spread of the coronavirus – will no doubt have a significant impact on the economy and the bottom lines of chemical distribution companies for weeks and months to come. Yet, in the face of those our challenges, I'm proud to say our members are doing everything they can to support the response efforts in their communities.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Reaffirming Our Role: COVID-19's Impact on Chemical Distribution
April 1, 2020
Reaffirming Our Role: COVID-19's Impact on Chemical Distribution

With new developments on a minute-by-minute basis, it should be no surprise that even our most long-standing and competent institutions are struggling to keep up with the COVID-19 outbreak. As our government continues toward a hopeful point of stability in the face of the pandemic, at times it has felt as though American businesses are being given helpless or disjointed recommendations when trying to respond. Unable to wait for firm procedural guidance, business leaders have had to make unilateral changes to protect employees and customers.

By Jack Deviteaux, NACD
USMCA Deal Is Good News for Distributors
March 25, 2020
USMCA Deal Is Good News for Distributors

A renewed focus on small business is a welcome addition to the recently agreed-upon United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), particularly given that so many of our members fall into this category. The new trade deal not only recognizes their importance to our economy, but also looks to support and encourage future growth by requiring each country to carefully consider the potential effects of future rules and regulations on how they operate.

By Allison Tuszynski, NACD
The Challenging Times We Now Live In
March 18, 2020
The Challenging Times We Now Live In

The title almost goes without saying. My four kids, ranging in ages from six to 16, certainly have not before lived through a trying time like we are today. The uncertainty that exists with the continuing spread of the coronavirus and the real possibility of us entering an economic recession, or worse, make these unsettling times to say the very least. We at NACD are doing our best to ensure there is at least a little stability during these troubling times by providing you with the latest developments.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Guest Blog: Hiring Trends, Cautions, and Best Practices in Today's World of Work
March 11, 2020
Guest Blog: Hiring Trends, Cautions, and Best Practices in Today's World of Work

You’d be surprised to find that most employees are motivated by similar things. And likewise, most management teams are looking to implement solutions that coalesce around a similar set of goals — including attracting, hiring, and retaining talent that will align with the strategy and goals of their organization. And above all, produce results. So how do you achieve that? Here’s a few ideas I had the opportunity to present at NACD’s Southern Region Meeting last month that should get you going in the right direction.

By Trevor Shylock, M.S. Senior Industrial/Organizational Consultant, Talent Metrics, Caliper, a PSI Business
Congress Must Act to "Secure" the Future of CFATS
March 4, 2020
Congress Must Act to "Secure" the Future of CFATS

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before – the April 18, 2020, expiration of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program is rapidly approaching, and Congress currently does not have passable bipartisan, long-term reauthorization legislation in sight. Once again, similar to how the 15-month CFATS program extension played out in January 2019, Congress finds itself with its back against the wall trying to beat the clock and pass legislation ensuring the continuation of this important security program that maintains near-unanimous support on Capitol Hill.

By Doug Leigh, NACD
NACD Goes Local: Organized State Advocacy for 2020 and Beyond
February 26, 2020
NACD Goes Local: Organized State Advocacy for 2020 and Beyond

The U.S. Congress often finds itself immobile. Though our capital faces no shortage of legislators with novel ideas and a genuine desire to improve our nation, it also has disagreement and partisanship in surplus. It is increasingly clear that through Congress’ inaction, state governments are taking matters into their own hands. For this reason, NACD is for the first time rolling out an organized state-level advocacy strategy to engage on these emerging issues where we can be most effective.

By Doug Leigh and Jack Detiveaux, NACD
Annual Survey Showcases Industry's Successes
February 19, 2020
Annual Survey Showcases Industry's Successes

In the next few weeks, NACD member companies will be sent our annual Membership and Safety Questionnaire. As part of the survey, NACD members are asked to provide data on economic metrics like their employment and sales numbers as well as safety metrics like the number of reportable incidents onsite or in transit and lost workdays due to injury. Last year’s Membership and Safety Report highlights some of the topline data on our industry, and this year’s report will update those numbers as well as offer a look at some additional data points new to the survey.

By Matt McKinney, NACD
Workshop: Getting to Grips with International Trade Requirements
February 13, 2020
Workshop: Getting to Grips with International Trade Requirements

Faced with ever-changing rules and regulations, chemical distributors face plenty of challenges when offering goods or services across borders or territories. To help you understand the latest requirements, NACD’s upcoming spring Regulatory Workshop will focus on international trade and will provide an invaluable update on the latest developments to help ensure you’re meeting your obligations.

By Jennifer Gibson, NACD