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Responsible Reflections Blog

NACD Members Still Putting Safety First
February 25, 2021
NACD Members Still Putting Safety First

Safety incidents among our membership has shown a significant nearly 16% decline over the past nine years, according the recently published 2020 Membership & Safety Report – with only one incident per 8,841 shipments.

By Lucinda Schofer, NACD
Focus on Your Financial Planning
February 18, 2021
Focus on Your Financial Planning

The ever-changing financial markets mean that it’s tough to plan even a few weeks ahead right now - but given this challenging environment, there’s never been a better time to consider your personal financial planning and look to the long term.

By Mike Lang, NACD
Fueling Innovation and Economic Growth Through Diversity & Inclusion in STEM
February 11, 2021
Fueling Innovation and Economic Growth Through Diversity & Inclusion in STEM

Today marks the sixth International Day of Women and Girls in Science and if the past year has shown us anything, it is that any bright future for America relies heavily on scientific and technical innovation in essential sectors like health care, energy, infrastructure development, and food production – all of which depend on chemistry. But without a robust, inclusive workforce we will not only lose our competitive edge as a global leader in innovation, our economic prosperity will also deteriorate. 

By Dwayne Sattler, CEF
Look to the Future with ITR Economics
February 4, 2021
Look to the Future with ITR Economics

We’re living in such unprecedented times that a clearer idea about what lies ahead in the coming months is always welcome. We’re therefore excited to offer NACD members discounted access to ITR Economics’ monthly webinar series, Managing in an Uncertain Economy.

By Lucinda Schofer, NACD
New NACD Tools for Navigating Trade Policy
January 29, 2021
New NACD Tools for Navigating Trade Policy

In the chemical distribution industry, successfully navigating international trade issues is paramount. Nearly every NACD member depends upon effective trade programs to support and grow their business. With the expiration of two critical trade programs and the expected shifts in policies with the new administration, NACD is working with our members to continue advocating for commonsense trade programs and is offering new tools to help members navigate the ever-changing trade landscape.

By Allison Tuszynski, NACD
January's Virtual Fly-In Sets Its Sights on Trade
January 20, 2021
January's Virtual Fly-In Sets Its Sights on Trade

As we look to the new year, and what will hopefully be a safe and successful 2021, we’re excited to announce the first in a series of virtual Washington Fly-Ins to ensure our advocacy efforts are still being heard on Capitol Hill.

By Erin Getz and Allison Tuszynski, NACD
Challenging Times – How Our Association Is Addressing Them
January 14, 2021
Challenging Times – How Our Association Is Addressing Them

In the last week or so we have experienced some of the most tumultuous days I have ever witnessed here in the Washington, D.C. area.

By Eric Byer, NACD
Annual Meeting Provides Some Great Talking Points
January 8, 2021
Annual Meeting Provides Some Great Talking Points

Thanks again to all of you who were able to join us for our very first Virtual Annual Meeting a few weeks ago.

By Tracey Pierce, NACD
What To Expect During President-Elect Biden's First 100 Days
December 7, 2020
What To Expect During President-Elect Biden's First 100 Days

President-elect Joe Biden and his transition team are preparing for an early, all-out push to tackle the new administration’s primary policy goals during Biden’s first 100 days in office. NACD expects the Biden administration to quickly pursue an ambitious new COVID-19 relief package – assuming Congress is unable to act prior to year’s end – similar to $2-$3 trillion relief bills offered by congressional Democrats, while also drawing up plans for a series of executive actions aimed at undoing many of the Trump administration's efforts to reform key government agencies that we’ve seen over the last four years.

By Doug Leigh, NACD
Prepare Now for Major Regulatory Changes
November 30, 2020
Prepare Now for Major Regulatory Changes

With the defeat of President Donald J. Trump and the election of Joseph R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States, the chemical distribution industry can expect a much different approach to regulatory activity and enforcement as of Inauguration Day January 20, 2021.

By Jennifer C. Gibson, NACD