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Responsible Reflections Blog

Media Training – Making Your Message Count
August 11, 2021
Media Training – Making Your Message Count

The nature of the world we live in means we're facing a constant barrage of news across many different mediums. So, if the worst were to happen and there's an unfortunate incident at one of your facilities, would you know how best to respond when the media come calling?

By Caroline Brooks, NACD
Be Prepared for the Next Natural Disaster
August 5, 2021
Be Prepared for the Next Natural Disaster

Over the past year, the U.S. has faced an unprecedented number of natural disasters. Last July, the west coast experienced one of the most destructive wildfire seasons ever recorded in the western United States, resulting in $32 billion in damages. August’s derecho brought strong winds and tornadoes across the midwestern United States, resulting in billions in damages.

By Jennifer Gibson, NACD
ChemEdge: Taking Safety Seriously
July 28, 2021
ChemEdge: Taking Safety Seriously

Did you know that just a few key behavioral traits are represented in about 86% of accidents? Fortunately, Chris Loomis of Loomis Safety Education will be discussing each of these in the opening session of this year's ChemEdge Trade Show and Conference on August 11.

By Tracey Pierce, NACD
Repeat and 'Three-peat' Site Visits Boost Impact
July 26, 2021
Repeat and 'Three-peat' Site Visits Boost Impact

While many of us are gearing up for summer vacation, Members of Congress are preparing for an extended district work period during August recess. When senators and representatives are in their home states and districts for summer recess, it’s the perfect time for NACD members to invite them to take a facility tour or convene a town hall with employees. By doing so, they can see first-hand why we need their support.

By Nicholas Breslin, NACD
Environmental Justice and Enforcement: What to Expect from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Under the Biden Administration
July 22, 2021
Environmental Justice and Enforcement: What to Expect from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Under the Biden Administration

Addressing climate change and environmental injustice have been key priorities for President Biden since he took office. In the first month of his presidency, he signed multiple executive orders establishing the National Climate Taskforce, the White House Environmental Justice Interagency and Advisory Councils, and the Justice40 Initiative. Moving forward, it is apparent that under the progression of the new administration, environmental justice, and climate-focused policies will become integrated into all government activities.

By Analisa Toma, NACD
Time for the FMC to Correct Course on Shipping
July 12, 2021
Time for the FMC to Correct Course on Shipping

American businesses have been facing a maritime shipping crisis for more than a year, and there has been little action from the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to address it. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been immense strain on the United States shipping system. Ports across the U.S. continue to suffer from severe congestion causing cargo ships to experience significant delays in unloading cargo and, ultimately, delivering product in a reasonable time.

By Eric R. Byer, NACD
Webinar: Make the Most of Digital Marketing
July 8, 2021
Webinar: Make the Most of Digital Marketing

The past year has proven just how important digitalization has become to business; without it, few of us would have been able to function quite as well as we have during such a difficult period.

By Caroline Brooks, NACD
NACD In-Person Site Visits Making a 'Comeback' this Summer, with a New Twist
July 1, 2021
NACD In-Person Site Visits Making a 'Comeback' this Summer, with a New Twist

Over a year ago, we all witnessed the immediate social and economic implications of the coronavirus. In nearly every aspect of our lives, the world changed as we knew it.

By Nicholas Breslin, NACD
NACD Workshop Addresses Ongoing Cannabis Confusion
June 16, 2021
NACD Workshop Addresses Ongoing Cannabis Confusion

Do you know what your state laws are regarding marijuana use? Are you aware of the differences between marijuana, hemp, and cannabidiol (CBD)? Have you been able to craft an effective workplace drug testing policy that can cope with the constantly changing legislation?

By Analisa Toma, NACD
Congress Connect Transports Us Virtually to Capitol Hill
June 10, 2021
Congress Connect Transports Us Virtually to Capitol Hill

NACD’s first-ever Congress Connect meeting took place in early May, once again putting our membership in direct contact with lawmakers and members of Congress.

By Doug Leigh, NACD