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Responsible Reflections Blog

Contrary to Some, Supply Chain Issues Are No Joke
October 21, 2021
Contrary to Some, Supply Chain Issues Are No Joke

I always enjoy when policy issues become the epicenter of focus for mainstream media. The ongoing supply chain issues we are currently encountering are certainly a great case study reinforcing this phenomenon. At any given time, you can turn on CNBC, Fox Business, or other cable news outlets and hear the breaking developments from some reporter who’s become the latest expert on the current supply chain mess.

By Eric R. Byer, NACD
An Annual Meeting Celebration 50 Years in the Making
October 14, 2021
An Annual Meeting Celebration 50 Years in the Making

For an Annual Meeting celebrating NACD’s 50th anniversary, it seems only fitting to mark the occasion with a glamorous location, a packed program, and an equally stellar selection of speakers.

Over the course of the four-day event from November 8-11, we’re confident there will be something for everyone, with exceptional presentations providing attendees with plenty of great ideas and insight to take away by the end of the week.

By Tracey Pierce, NACD
Unlock Your Potential with Our Emerging Leaders Program
October 7, 2021
Unlock Your Potential with Our Emerging Leaders Program

NACD has been celebrating its 50th anniversary and 30 years since our landmark Responsible Distribution program launched. While we are incredibly proud of our past successes, the association is always looking to the future.

By Mike Lang, NACD
Make a Real Difference by Becoming a Committee Member
September 29, 2021
Make a Real Difference by Becoming a Committee Member

Have you ever thought about playing more of a role in NACD and shaping the future of our industry? Are you interested in driving policy and ensuring businesses like yours are properly supported and represented? If the answer is yes, then why not consider joining one of our committees?

By Jenni Jenkins, NACD
Duke Courses are Heading Back to the Classroom
September 22, 2021
Duke Courses are Heading Back to the Classroom

We’re pleased to announce that the Duke Executive Education courses will be offering live in-person events once again this fall – and that NACD members can still benefit from reduced rates by booking through our website.

By Mike Lang, NACD
Increased TSCA Fees Jeopardize American Supply Chains
September 15, 2021
Increased TSCA Fees Jeopardize American Supply Chains

For over a year, chemical distributors that import ingredients from foreign countries have been dealing with severe supply chain disruptions that threaten the viability of their businesses. Yet, while President Biden has taken actions to address these problems along our supply chain, his United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a rule that could undercut that progress.

By Jennifer Gibson, NACD
Join NACD for the Northeast Region Meeting
September 8, 2021
Join NACD for the Northeast Region Meeting

In just a few weeks, the last of this year’s regional meetings will take place in Portland, Maine.

Regional meetings have become a staple of NACD’s calendar, allowing members to meet and network, learn about the association’s activities and achievements and discuss policy and all the latest issues affecting the industry. It also provides an excellent education opportunity, with a selection of handpicked speakers offering insight and guidance about how best to grow and develop your business.

By Tracey Pierce, NACD
Who is Over the Current State of Shipping?
September 2, 2021
Who is Over the Current State of Shipping?

When I fired up my computer earlier this week, the top tweet was how there were 44, yes 44, container ships sitting in the water off the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. This number is the highest since the pandemic began!

By Eric R. Byer, NACD
'Content is King' as NACD Members Pivot to Virtual Site Visits
August 26, 2021
'Content is King' as NACD Members Pivot to Virtual Site Visits

If the last 18 months have taught us anything, it is to expect and prepare for the unexpected. Just as chemical distributors continue to safely process, formulate, blend, re-package, transport, and market chemical products throughout the pandemic, NACD continues advancing important legislative affairs work on behalf of the industry. Met with the unexpected, our industry doesn’t stall out. We pivot.

By Nicholas Breslin, NACD
Regulatory Clarity Key to Advancing Environmental Stewardship
August 18, 2021
Regulatory Clarity Key to Advancing Environmental Stewardship

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering changes to its Risk Management Program (RMP) rules to expand requirements and address environmental justice and climate change. NACD strongly believes changes to this program are unnecessary. EPA’s current RMP regulations are comprehensive, robust, and have proven effective in preventing chemical accidents.

By Analisa Toma, NACD