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Responsible Reflections Blog

Guest Blog: NACD U Course Responds to Emergency Planning & Reporting
January 27, 2022
Guest Blog: NACD U Course Responds to Emergency Planning & Reporting

Reporting season is upon us and the March 1 deadline for routine reporting for environmental and regulatory programs is fast approaching – but don’t worry, help is at hand!

We are pleased to announce a new addition to our NACD U course offering that focuses on the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).

By Pete Downing, NACD Strategic Partner- Environment & Safety Solutions
Webinar: Sustainability and the Supply Chain
January 13, 2022
Webinar: Sustainability and the Supply Chain

Sustainability has become ever-prominent for many chemical distributors' growth strategies and will inevitably remain one of the key drivers for our industry moving forward.

But what does all of that mean? What role do distributors play in the supply chain and how can they offer support as we strive for a more sustainable future?

By Caroline Brooks, NACD
The Winner of the 2021 50 for 50 Site Visit Challenge Is....
January 6, 2022
The Winner of the 2021 50 for 50 Site Visit Challenge Is....

Last summer, we launched the “50 for 50 Site Visit Challenge” to mark NACD’s 50th anniversary, and today we are delighted to announce that Mat Brainerd and his team at Brainerd Chemical Company, Inc., are the winners of our grand prize!

By Doug Leigh, NACD
Popular Advisers Program Offers Support and Guidance
December 16, 2021
Popular Advisers Program Offers Support and Guidance

For 30 years, NACD Responsible Distribution® has helped set the benchmark in the chemical industry, ensuring our membership is committed to a culture of continuous improvement and high standards.

As we look to wrap up the 7th Cycle of our mandatory third-party verified environmental, health, safety, and security program, remember that our team is always on hand to offer advice and guidance with its implementation and assist you through the process.

By Caroline Brooks, NACD
Guest Blog: Annual Meeting Makes for a Memorable Occasion
December 8, 2021
Guest Blog: Annual Meeting Makes for a Memorable Occasion

More than 600 members of NACD joined us in November at our first in-person Annual Meeting in two years – a remarkable turnout for any year, and especially outstanding given the current situation with COVID-19.

Of course, this particular event was also special for many other reasons – not least because it marked the association’s 50th anniversary and the 30th year of the Responsible Distribution program.

A lot of planning went into those few days last month and we really focused on attracting our best-ever lineup of speakers. And judging by the post-meeting feedback, it seems we achieved our goal.

By Ed Boss, NACD Annual Meeting Chairman
Guest Blog: Annual Meeting Charity Drive Provides Food for Thought
December 2, 2021
Guest Blog: Annual Meeting Charity Drive Provides Food for Thought

There were certainly plenty of talking points at this year’s Annual Meeting, and the consensus among all who attended was that it was a resounding success. I’d go so far as to say it was one of the most complicated to arrange– given all the COVID-19 protocols and the additional security requirements from having a former U.S. President join us. And in my humble opinion, I truly believe it was also one of our best Annual Meetings ever.

By Kurt Hettinga, NACD Chairman
Reasons to be Thankful
November 24, 2021
Reasons to be Thankful

Thanksgiving is always a good time for reflection; taking a moment to remind yourself of all your accomplishments, goals that have been reached, projects that have been completed, new customers that have been secured. The year is nearly over and while we’re not in any position to slow down with a supply chain crisis and a massive reconciliation budget under consideration by Congress, I still believe it’s an important exercise to set time aside for gratitude.

By Eric R. Byer, NACD
Guest Blog: Return to Work Needs a New Mindset
November 17, 2021
Guest Blog: Return to Work Needs a New Mindset

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are working hard to reopen their doors and encourage employees back to the workplace as they seek some semblance of normalcy. As an essential industry that has continued operating throughout the crisis, chemical distributors and their employees may find this transition a little less distressing than other industries, suggests Trevor Shylock, Senior Consultant at talent management specialist PSI Services LLC.

By Trevor Shylock, PSI Services LLC
Chemicals Can't Live Without Chemists: The Essential Role of Chemists and Chemical Engineers in Chemical Distribution
November 3, 2021
Chemicals Can't Live Without Chemists: The Essential Role of Chemists and Chemical Engineers in Chemical Distribution

The chemical distribution industry is a major economic engine. Businesses in this industry deliver valuable products safely and securely every day to a variety of market segments. Within these businesses are chemistry professionals who bring integrity, ingenuity, and research methods to the products chemical distributors sell, or even what they buy.

By Caroline Brooks, NACD
Guest Post: Retool & Retrain: Does Your Sales Team Have a Data-Driven Growth Playbook?
October 27, 2021
Guest Post: Retool & Retrain: Does Your Sales Team Have a Data-Driven Growth Playbook?

During our recent industry forum, a distribution sales leader mentioned that his sales team is not achieving sales goals consistently. He went on to say that when they do, profitability takes a hit. Another executive in the group asked if they provide growth playbooks, and the distribution sales leader emphatically said yes. The follow-up question brought the conversation to a long, thoughtful pause: “Are those playbooks seller-specific and customer-data driven?” The answer was no. This incident represents many sales organizations that under-utilize one of their most valuable assets: customer data.

By Industrial Distribution