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Responsible Reflections Blog

Essential NACD Resources that Drive Your Business Forward
April 7, 2022
Essential NACD Resources that Drive Your Business Forward

As an industry, it’s fair to say we’ve experienced a considerable amount of upheaval and change these past few years. Politically, economically, and socially—we’ve all had to adapt our professional lives accordingly.

NACD prides itself on our efforts to support and represent both you and your business. That’s why we offer a huge range of resources to help you tackle these challenges head-on and seize opportunities when they arise.

By Jenni Jenkins, NACD
Reviewing the Legislative and Regulatory Landscape
March 31, 2022
Reviewing the Legislative and Regulatory Landscape

Transportation, trade, tariffs, and taxes were just some of the hot topics discussed during our 2022 Legislative and Regulatory Outlook webinar.

To cover these challenging issues, we drew on the entire NACD policy team to provide a comprehensive breakdown of incoming rules and regulations and exactly how the association was working on our members’ behalf to address them.

By Jennifer Gibson and Douglas Leigh, NACD
Guest Blog: Maximize Your Safety Training with NASP
March 24, 2022
Guest Blog: Maximize Your Safety Training with NASP

Thousands of workplace deaths each year can be attributed to one main issue, a lack of proper safety training. Safety training isn’t just a good idea; Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations require that your personnel be trained. Education and training are fundamental tools for informing workers and managers about workplace hazards and controls so they can work more safely and be more productive.

By Pete Nemmers, NASP
Reviewing the State of the Industry
March 21, 2022
Reviewing the State of the Industry

Last year’s State of the Industry Report, produced in association with Affiliate member Datacor, Inc., highlighted the impact of COVID-19 and the supply chain snarl-ups on the chemical distribution sector.

The study, carried out during a particularly disruptive period of uncertainty, lockdowns, and safety restrictions, asked over 500 industry professionals to share their experiences and expectations for the year ahead.

By Lucinda A. Schofer, NACD
Guest Blog: Onboarding 101 for Chemical Distribution
March 17, 2022
Guest Blog: Onboarding 101 for Chemical Distribution

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 20 percent of workers in the U.S. have found new jobs. As many as 50 percent of Americans were predicted to be looking for new work towards the end of last year; this trend isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon. Amidst this historically fluid labor market, successfully onboarding new talent has never been more important. 

By Tiffany Collis, Brenntag Mid-South and Terry Aubry, EMCO Chemical Distributors
Having the Right Tools at Your Disposal
March 10, 2022
Having the Right Tools at Your Disposal

NACD is delighted to announce the 2022 edition of our member toolkit is available on our website.

In the five years since its introduction, NACD members and Affiliates have found it invaluable for providing the resources and reference materials needed to help ensure the smooth running of their business and to stay up-to-date on the latest changes and requirements across our industry.

By Aileen Smith, NACD
Spring Workshops: Get the Low-Down on Regulatory Compliance and Responsible Distribution
February 24, 2022
Spring Workshops: Get the Low-Down on Regulatory Compliance and Responsible Distribution

After a prolonged hiatus because of the pandemic, we are delighted that our regulatory and Responsible Distribution Spring Workshops will once again welcome attendees in person next month.

Registration is open for each of the upcoming training sessions – and, as well as benefitting from all the guidance and networking on offer, you will also enjoy significant savings by attending both.

By Caroline Brooks and Jennifer Gibson, NACD
Chemicals Can't Wait
February 17, 2022
Chemicals Can't Wait

America’s chemical distributors supply key materials supporting nearly every industry. Today, shipping delays, record-high prices, and other anti-competitive practices by major ocean shipping companies are harming distributor businesses and pushing America’s supply chain beyond its limit — causing a shortage of everything from household to sporting goods. This supply chain chaos is threatening our favorite spring traditions. Youth baseball, household cleaners, and sports drinks could be in trouble if we don’t act quickly.

By Eric R. Byer, NACD
Webinar Tackles Reinstatement of the Superfund Tax
February 10, 2022
Webinar Tackles Reinstatement of the Superfund Tax

Although the Superfund taxes expired some time ago, there have been countless discussions over the years about whether they would – or should – be reinstated. That time has now come with President Biden and the current administration targeting quicker Superfund clean-ups, job creation, and a cleaner environment.

By Jennifer Gibson, NACD
There are Solutions to the Shipping Crisis
February 3, 2022
There are Solutions to the Shipping Crisis

Over the past year, supply chain challenges have led to product delays, rising costs, and inventory stock-outages that have impacted a wide range of industries and consumers across the United States. Port backlogs and skyrocketing ocean cargo prices aren’t only hitting store shelves and consumers’ pocketbooks, they are also threatening shortages of many ingredients essential for our health and everyday lives.

By Eric R. Byer, NACD