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ACD Press Release

Arlington, VA
July 25, 2023

Susannah Williams

NACD Applauds House Passage of CFATS Reauthorization, Urges Swift Senate Passage

Critical chemical facility security program set to expire on July 27, 2023


Arlington, VA –Today, National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) President and CEO Eric R. Byer released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 4470, a bipartisan, clean, two-year reauthorization of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Security (CFATS) program:

“The security of our nation’s chemical supply is critical to the health and well-being of Americans and is a vital part of the American economy. The significant role of the chemical industry, however, comes with unique vulnerabilities that require collaboration between our industry and government agencies to fortify against ever-evolving physical and cyber threats.

“The CFATS program provides a baseline for the chemical industry to make long-term security investments to defend against acts of terror on these critical facilities. As one of the most successful chemical facility security programs in existence, the CFATS program demonstrates how the industry and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security work together to uphold the highest standards of security.

“Today, the U.S. House of Representatives has taken a critical step to reauthorize the CFATS program ahead of its expiration on July 27, 2023. This program has a strong record of bipartisan support. NACD urges the U.S. Senate to swiftly consider and pass reauthorization legislation to maintain important safeguards at critical chemical sites.”

To read more about the CFATS program, click here.


NACD and its over 400 member and Affiliate companies are vital to the chemical supply chain providing products to over 750,000 end users. NACD members are leaders in health, safety, security, and environmental performance through implementation of Responsible Distribution, established in 1991 as a condition of membership and a third party-verified management practice. For more information on NACD, visit