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ACD Press Release

Arlington, VA
March 20, 2020

Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

NACD Urges Keeping Public Highway Rest Stops Open to Distribute Critical Goods to Mitigate COVID-19 Spread


Today, National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) President and CEO Eric R. Byer issued a letter and the following statement urging officials in Pennsylvania to keep open public rest areas so that chemical goods can make it to communities affected by COVID-19 that need them the most.

“NACD is critical to the U.S. supply chain. Our members process, formulate, blend, repackage, warehouse, transport, and market chemical products for over 750,000 customers across the country, and many of them are in Pennsylvania.

“While we understand the need to minimize person-to-person contact and further promote social distancing during the COVID-19 response, NACD is concerned that the closure of rest area facilities will create highly difficult environments for truck drivers. Public rest areas are frequently the only consistent and safe areas for long-haul drivers to stop and rest. This availability is already an important service in everyday circumstances. However, in the case of drivers delivering cargo essential to the COVID-19 response, it is imperative that those exceeding their normal hours have every resource available to them.

“It is absolutely crucial that the U.S Department of Transportation and the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration intervene with state governments to keep essential transportation infrastructure open.

“Chemical distribution companies and their drivers must be allowed to continue their vital work, not only to keep the economy functioning, but also to keep American communities safe.”


NACD and its nearly 430 member companies are vital to the chemical supply chain providing products to over 750,000 end users. NACD members are leaders in health, safety, security, and environmental performance through implementation of Responsible Distribution, established in 1991 as a condition of membership and a third-party-verified management practice. For more information, visit

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