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ACD Press Release

Arlington, VA
May 22, 2024

Susannah Williams

ACD Launches New Learning Management System for Its Educational Resource Platform, ACD U

Newest Online Tool Will Enhance Members’ Learning Experience

Arlington, VA –Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD), formerly the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), has launched a new learning management system (LMS) for its educational resource platform, ACD U.

The new system will serve as a one-stop-shop for ACD members’ professional development needs. Members can access ACD U using the same credentials as before but will enter a new system that has a more user-friendly interface, personalized home page, and an updated catalog featuring more than 200 industry-related courses designed to help members’ employees grow their knowledge and expertise within the industry. Courses range from regulatory compliance to ACD Responsible Distribution implementation and general industry information as well.

The system was overhauled with several new added features aimed at creating an experience that’s easier to navigate. Members can see each of their courses and course progress directly on the homepage and easily access transcripts and certificates.

“The new LMS was created with our members’ needs in mind,” said Joe Donadoni, Senior Vice President of Development at ACD. “It was important for us to create a system where members can easily interact with the educational programming designed to advance their career in the ever-evolving chemical distribution industry. Many of our members are small to medium-sized businesses, and they rely on ACD U to provide in-depth learning and training opportunities. We are thrilled to launch this enhanced system to give our members an even more robust educational experience.”

ACD will consistently monitor and update the system so that it will continuously provide more learning opportunities and training initiatives over time. Maintaining courses specifically targeted to this sector of the marketplace will allow members’ employees to advance their certifications and other areas of expertise within the chemical distribution industry for years to come.

For more information on the new system, read ACD’s blog introducing the LMS here.


The Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) partners with our more than 400 chemical distribution industry members to provide the education, connection, standards, and advocacy they need to responsibly move the essential products our world depends on. As leaders in the $27B+ chemical distribution industry, ACD member companies commit to the highest standards in quality, safety, sustainability, and performance through ACD Responsible DistributionTM. For more information, visit