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ACD Press Release

Arlington, VA
April 8, 2024

Susannah Williams

ACD Applauds Resolution to Roll Back EPA’s Harmful and Unnecessary Changes to the Risk Management Program


Arlington, VA –Today, Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD), formerly the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), commends Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX-02) for introducing a Congressional Review Act Joint Resolution to repeal the burdensome changes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made to its Risk Management Program (RMP).

The EPA released its final rulemaking on the RMP program earlier this year, which places  excessive new requirements on facilities. This resolution would give Congress the authority to revoke the EPA’s final rulemaking on RMP.

ACD’s President and CEO Eric R. Byer issued the following statement on the resolution:

“ACD applauds Representative Crenshaw for standing with the chemical distribution industry and recognizing the current effectiveness of the RMP program. Despite countless objections from industry stakeholders, including ACD, the EPA finalized its rulemaking without demonstrating the need for these sweeping and counterproductive changes.

“For decades, the RMP program has had an impressive track record of preventing chemical accidents while improving preparedness efforts and environmental stewardship. Unfortunately, under the expanded rule, certain facilities must disclose sensitive chemical information to the public, which will heighten the risk of it falling into the hands of bad actors. This is increasingly alarming given the current security gap resulting from the expiration of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program.

“The rule will also place needless burdens and financial strain on many chemical facilities that are already in compliance. ACD members are currently grappling with soaring inflation, labor shortages, and an ever-changing regulatory environment. This final rulemaking will no doubt result in even greater setbacks for small businesses across the nation.

“It is imperative that the U.S. House of Representatives pass this resolution without delay, and the U.S. Senate follow with similar action. ACD wholeheartedly opposes the amendments to the RMP rule and applauds Congressman Crenshaw’s action to reverse them.”

For further information, see ACD’s release on the EPA’s final RMP rulemaking. ACD also submitted comments to the EPA in 2022, expressing concern with the agency’s proposed changes.


The Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) partners with our more than 400 chemical distribution industry members to provide the education, connection, standards, and advocacy they need to responsibly move the essential products our world depends on. As leaders in the $27B+ chemical distribution industry, ACD member companies commit to the highest standards in quality, safety, sustainability, and performance through ACD Responsible DistributionTM. For more information, visit