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ACD Press Release

Carlsbad, CA
November 13, 2018

Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

NACD Members Meet in Carlsbad for 47th Annual Meeting

Industry leaders and experts gather to discover how “Everything Counts” when it comes to business success

Approximately 600 members of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) are descending on Carlsbad, CA this week for the association’s 47th Annual Meeting. An impressive lineup of expert speakers and panelists are on tap to discuss a range of issues facing chemical distribution, including generating a sales edge, the impacts of a nationwide trucking shortage, and preparing for the results of the midterm elections. 

This year’s Annual Meeting focuses on how every person, every process, every operation, every standard — everything — counts toward the success of individual businesses, careers, and the industry as a whole. Attendees will explore how accountability, leadership, responsibility, and safety can be integrated into every function and at every level.

Kicking off the meeting with a keynote address is Molly Fletcher, an entrepreneur and successful sports agent who will share her experiences and lessons from top athletes and coaches in the game. She will outline a five-step process to unleashing potential and achieving peak performance. The meeting wraps up on Thursday with lessons in leadership from General Stanley McChrystal, who will share tips and advice he’s gathered from leading and innovating one of the world’s largest organizations. 

Key sessions at the Annual Meeting include: 

  • Midterm Election Recap and a Look Ahead to 2020
    David Wasserman, The Cook Political Report
    David Wasserman will take attendees on a tour of the key races and issues that drove the midterms as well as what to expect leading up to the next presidential election. Drawing on his extensive research on cultural, demographic and voting patterns, Wasserman assesses how we arrived at this critical moment in politics and where we are headed.
  • The Sales Edge: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
    Gene McNaughton, GrowthSmart Consulting, Inc.
    In this highly energized working session, McNaughton will explain the concept of creating a company’s “Core Power Message.” In today’s buying world, great companies have effective messaging strategies that have a powerful impact on both their sales and marketing messages. Even the most commoditized business can use these techniques to craft effective messaging that allows them to stand out from the “sea of sameness” that they may be experiencing with their company. 
  • Going Digital
    Sean O’Donnell, Datacor and the Datacor Team
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is here, and it’s time to get started. Automation is no longer restricted to a device sitting on a desk. Individuals expect to have information available to them as they move. This session will discuss the many options of how to move data collection and review from paper or a computer to a mobile digital device. Whether simply counting inventory with bar code readers or having a customer sign for an order on a driver’s tablet, this session will show distributors how to get started.


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