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ACD Press Release


Arlington, VA
April 27, 2018
Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

NACD Lauds ACC President Cal Dooley for His Years of Leadership and Service

Today, National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) President Eric R. Byer issued the following statement regarding the announcement of American Chemistry Council (ACC) President Cal Dooley’s retirement.

“For the last ten years, Cal Dooley has been an instrumental leader in the chemical industry. His commitment to bipartisanship and advocating for sound policies that helped grow the economy and create jobs while ensuring safety and the implementation of best practices has been incredibly positive for chemical manufacturers and distributors.

“In particular, his stewardship of ACC during the long-overdue Toxic Substances Control Act reform process was especially helpful to the entire industry. As a former congressman, he understood the importance of working with both sides to craft a set of policies that enabled regulators to do their jobs more effectively while also giving businesses greater certainty over the treatment and classification of chemical products.  

"Cal has also been a great partner with NACD over the years, working to make sure manufacturers and distributors alike are committed to strict environmental, health, safety, and security (EHS&S) standards. Under his leadership, ACC worked with NACD to better align our respective EHS&S programs known as Responsible Care and Responsible Distribution so that the entire supply chain adheres to industry best practices. Through these efforts, together ACC and NACD have ensured that the responsible stewardship of chemicals up and down the supply chain is one of the highest industry priorities. 

"We have thoroughly enjoyed joining forces during his tenure to advocate for the chemical industry on Capitol Hill and show the general public the importance of chemistry in 21st century life. While we are sad to see Cal go, we thank him for his devoted service to the industry over the past decade." 


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