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ACD Press Release


St. Louis, MO
September 18, 2017
Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

NACD Member Chemisphere Corp. Participates in SBA Regulatory Roundtable


Recently, chemical distributor and NACD member Chemisphere Corporation participated in a federal regulatory reform roundtable in St. Louis, MO to discuss regulatory burdens facing their company and the broader chemical distribution industry. Hosted by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), this and similar roundtables focusing on suggested reforms from the business community have been held in Louisiana, Idaho, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, and Kansas.

At the half-day event, Chemisphere spokesperson Tiffany Collis specifically raised the need for reform of OSHA’s Process Safety Management and EPA’s Risk Management Program regulations. Both regulations impose significant costs on companies to stay in compliance. Taken together, these regulations are overly burdensome for small businesses that often have limited staff resources. 

Said NACD President Eric R. Byer, “It is critical that small businesses like Chemisphere participate in roundtable discussions with federal agencies like these if their voices are to be heard and important reforms are to be made to our regulatory system that encourage economic growth. We applaud Chemisphere for their proactive efforts to raise their concerns with SBA, and we encourage all NACD members to take similar action to ensure small businesses like most chemical distributors get a fair shake throughout the regulatory process.”

Founded in 1974, Chemisphere is a chemical and solvent distribution company based on St. Louis. They sell a variety of personal care products, denatured ethanol, and other industrial products. For more information, visit


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