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ACD Press Release


Arlington, VA
December 6, 2016
Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

NACD Attends International Chemical Trade Association Meeting

Recently, members of the International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA) joined together during the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) Annual Meeting in Phoenix to discuss issues critical to the global chemical distribution industry. Although not a current member of ICTA, NACD attended the event as an official observer.

At the meeting, representatives from national industry trade associations and chemical distribution companies discussed ways to move ICTA forward in the coming year. Topics included expanding the ICTA Board; further harmonizing environmental, health, safety, and security programs across the ICTA membership; and providing a greater number of resources to ICTA members regarding international trade, security, product stewardship and best practices, and more.

NACD President Eric Byer stated, “The global chemical distribution industry employs millions and transports products that touch more than 96 percent of all commerce around the world. We have an enormous impact on modern-day life, and it is imperative that we work together to share knowledge and best practices. ICTA provides a forum for the global industry to meet and discuss issues critical to the industry’s success, and NACD was pleased to be a part of that as an observer.”

For more information about ICTA, visit


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