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ACD Press Release


Arlington, VA
August 5, 2016
Matthew McKinney
(703) 527-6223 x3074

Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. Ron Johnson Visit Wisconsin Chemical Distributor; Discuss Regulatory Relief

Today, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) visited EMCO Chemical Distributors, Inc.’s Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin facility where they met with EMCO President Edward J. Polen and employees to learn more about steps the company is taking to ensure safety and to discuss how Congress can increase regulatory certainty. EMCO is a member in good standing with the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD). 

From left: EMCO President Edward J. Polen,
U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI)
and U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI)

Chemical distributors account for more than 1,300 direct jobs and $100 million in direct wages in Wisconsin. As the industry continues to grow, NACD members like EMCO have been encouraging Congress to reform the regulatory process and provide chemical distributors and other U.S. businesses the regulatory certainty needed to continue as economic engines and job creators.

“We’re grateful Speaker Ryan and Senator Johnson joined us today to get a first-hand look at how we conduct operations and what we are doing to create jobs and keep our community and the environment safe,” said EMCO President Edward J. Polen. “Under Speaker Ryan and Senator Johnson’s leadership, the chemical industry in Wisconsin’s First District has continued to grow and positively contribute to the local economy. EMCO is proud to be one of only three member companies of NACD in this district who for the last 25 years have practiced the premier environment, health and safety program called NACD Responsible Distribution®.”

Speaker Ryan said, “The foundation of Wisconsin’s economy is manufacturers. In Congress, we have our ‘Better Way’ agenda, which will reform our tax code and rule-making process so companies like EMCO can continue to create good-paying jobs for hardworking Wisconsinites.”

“Manufacturing really is the bedrock of Wisconsin’s economy — something I can attest to after 31 years as a manufacturer, and something I’m reminded of every time I have an opportunity to meet with Wisconsinites who work in businesses that support manufacturing,” stated Senator Johnson. “Our country faces enormous problems, but we can solve them. The number one component of a solution is growth — growth that will come from great job-creators, if only Washington gets out of the way.”

“As an NACD member, EMCO has proven to be a gold standard when it comes to job creation, community investment and safe chemical distribution,” said NACD President Eric R. Byer. “We’re thrilled that Speaker Ryan and Senator Johnson took time out of their busy schedules to tour the facility and discuss ways for distributors to grow their nearly $550 million economic output in the state of Wisconsin.”


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