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Trade Issue Page

Trade Agreements | Tariffs and Duties | Restricted Products

Trade in the Chemical Distribution Industry


Many chemical products that are essential to the U.S. economy and the health and wellbeing of its residents are no longer manufactured domestically. Free trade policies and programs facilitate access and lower costs for these critical materials, resulting in the ability of U.S. companies to compete globally, supply the nation with critical materials, and positively contribute to the economy.

For more information on specific trade policies, please explore the topics below and browse ACD’s resource database. For the latest actions in these areas, follow us on X and visit our Newsroom.

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Trade Agreements


Free trade agreements and international programs like the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) promote economic growth worldwide. They create balanced partnerships, support high-paying jobs, and bolster international cooperation.

The chemical distribution industry relies on these programs to import essential products at affordable prices and reduce administrative burden. While the USMCA was recently updated, Congress has failed to reauthorize the GSP, which has had a negative impact on the economy by making goods from certain countries more expensive. ACD supports the reauthorization of productive and mutually beneficial free-trade agreements.

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Tariffs and Duties


ACD works closely with Congress and regulatory agencies to ensure trade policies continue to afford American businesses, like our members, opportunities to thrive in today's competitive global economy. Over the past few years, the government has failed to extend the life of duty exclusion processes and tariff reduction programs such as the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB). The accumulation of tariffs applied to chemical products has greatly burdened the industry and the American consumer. ACD supports the reauthorization of these laws to provide economic relief and ease trade.

ACD's 2025 Tariffs Breakdown

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Restricted Products


ACD believes goods produced with forced labor have no place in the global economy and should not be imported to the U.S. ACD members practice due diligence to ensure imported products are not obtained from sources of forced labor. Regulations that enforce anti-forced labor efforts should align with international standards and provide clear expectations on how importers should scrutinize their supply chains. The government should provide guidance in this area, including recognized best practices.

Featured Resources

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For further questions about ACD’s Trade Issue Page, please contact Nicholas Breslin, Manager of Regulatory Affairs at