government affairs

Security Issue Page

CFATS | Cyber | Controlled Substances

Security in the Chemical Distribution Industry


The secure movement and storage of chemical products is an inherent element of ACD’s Responsible Distribution® program. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, ACD was the first chemical industry organization to mandate security measure for its members. Security policies that are risk-based, evolve to meet new threats, integrate emerging technology, streamline reporting requirements, and invite stakeholder input help to keep ACD member facilities secure and the American public safe.

For more information on specific security policies, please explore the topics below and browse ACD’s resource database. For the latest actions in these areas, follow us on X and visit our Newsroom.

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Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) is one of the most successful chemical security programs in existence and helps high-risk chemical facilities protect against terrorist attacks. The CFATS program gives industry the certainty needed to make long-term facility security investments and enables the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to run the program efficiently.


The U.S. Senate failed to pass legislation to reauthorize the CFATS program prior to its expiration date on July 27, 2023. To read ACD's statement regarding the Senate's failure to reauthorize the CFATS program, click here.





The chemical industry is recognized as a critical infrastructure sector by the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) due to the vital products the industry manufactures, imports, distributes, manufactures, and stores. Protecting critical infrastructure is now more important than ever, including in the cyber area, in which there are increasing and evolving threats. A key component of protecting the chemical supply chain from cyberattacks is the collaboration between industry and regulatory agencies to stay ahead of evolving threats. CISA has developed and regularly updates a wealth of information to help critical infrastructure members protect themselves from cyberattacks. In addition to maintaining open dialogue between cybersecurity stakeholders, ACD supports streamlined and uniform reporting protocols to reduce the severity of attacks and prevent future threats.

Featured Resources

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Controlled Substances


Those in the chemical distribution industry manage a variety of highly sensitive products, including chemicals regulated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as controlled substances. Designated as List I and List II chemicals, these substances go into legitimate and important products but can also be used to produce illicit drugs. ACD members take the legitimacy and security of their supply chains seriously as demonstrated through their commitment to Responsible Distribution’s “Know Your Customer” provisions as well as the DEA diversion control regulations.

ACD supports regulations that prevent the diversion of controlled substances through reasonable registration and reporting processes.

Featured Resources

Click here for more resources.

For further questions about ACD’s Security Issue Page, please contact Nicholas Breslin, Manager of Regulatory Affairs at