government affairs

About Government Affairs

ACD's Government Affairs team serves as a strong advocate and defender in Washington D.C. and nationwide for movers of essential chemical ingredients. ACD keeps members informed on pressing government affairs issues that impact the chemical distribution industry on a local, national, and international level. ACD uses its knowledge of the nuances of the chemical distribution industry to promote informed legislation and regulations for the betterment of the ACD membership and beyond.

Advocate on the Hill

ACD serves as the preeminent voice of the chemical distribution industry on Capitol Hill. Our members are experts in the movement of chemical materials, and ACD amplifies members’ voices and their messages to key policymakers. Through daily monitoring of Congressional activities and the organizing of grassroots lobbying efforts, ACD promotes sensible laws and regulations to protect employees, communities, and the chemical industry's ability to compete in global markets while providing jobs at home.

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Regulatory Enforcement & Compliance

As movers of essential and sometimes hazardous ingredients, compliance with government regulations is of paramount importance. To do so, you need to know what regulations apply to your operations and how to comply. ACD offers several resources and tools to assist its members in regulatory compliance — from a comprehensive regulatory resource guide, with links to specific regulations and resources on them, to our new RegClear video series on individual regulations, to a team of regulatory compliance providers to aid your compliance needs.

Regulatory Resource Guide

Regulatory Assistance

Regulatory Acronym List