Pre-Conference Responsible Distribution Workshop

Responsible Distribution Pre-Conference Workshop

Whether you are preparing for your next verification, working through corrective actions, or looking for ways to improve your program, ACD’s Pre-Conference Responsible Distribution Workshop has you covered! Join veteran Code Coordinators and industry leaders as they share insights in navigating the verification process, best practices for safety in operations and sustainability, and managing organizational change.  Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate, learn, and work together to improve Responsible Distribution through the supply chain.  

New to ACD and Responsible Distribution? Take advantage of the free Candidacy Class Training Session on Monday, August 19, to get an introduction to Responsible Distribution and be better prepared for participation in the full Pre-Conference Workshop.    

Please click the bolded session name to view a description and download slides.

Monday, August 19, 2024
1:30-3:30 pm

Candidacy Class Training Session

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
8:00-8:15 am

Welcome and Introductions

  • Committee
  • Advisers
  • Verifiers
  • Staff
  • Excellence Award Winners
  • Icebreaker game/question
8:15-9:00 am

Behind the Scenes: Verification Day
Terry Aubry, EMCO

Are you curious about how to prepare for a verification and what goes on during a verification day? What questions are asked by the verifier and how should you respond? This session will provide a unique behind the scenes look at past Responsible Distribution Excellence Award winner, EMCO Chemical Distributors, most recent Responsible Distribution 2023 verification. Through the use of a transcription app, EMCO provides insight into their verification experience to help better prepare your company for your next verification. Download slides here.

9:00-10:00 am

Hazard Area Static Control
Richard Puig, NewsonGale

Does your company perform flammable transfers through drumming, tote filling, truck and/or rail loading/unloading? Help ensure the safest practices are in place when performing these operations through hazard area static control. This session will dive into the causes of static electricity and hazards in flammable transfers and review engineering and administrative practices that can be taken to minimize the risk of a static discharge in operations. Through a review of Bonding versus Grounding, gain a better understanding of good and valid ground and the effects of temperature and humidity on a ground connection. Finally, attendees will review different levels of solutions and equipment that can be implemented to protect against a hazardous area static discharge.Download slides here.

10:00-10:15 am Break
10:15-11:00 am

Competency Based Training – Program Implementation and Results
Jack Spicuzza and Audra Sargeant, Univar Solutions

Elements of safety are woven throughout the Responsible Distribution Code of Management Practice, but how would you rate the safety culture within your organization? How does your company promote safety training and develop experienced safety professions? Whether your company is experiencing high rates of employee turnover or other changes in your workforce, ensuring safety throughout operations is paramount. Hear from Univar Solutions about their recent competency-based training program initiative and get an inside look the initial results of the program. Download slides here.

11:00 am-Noon

Webb Chemical Case Study – Hydrochloric Acid Release
Kolin Convertini, VP of Operations, Webb Chemical

How would you navigate a chemical release at your facility? Join Webb Chemical Services Corp., a previous Responsible Distribution Excellence Award winner, for a Case Study review and discussion of a release event they experienced in 2023. This session will walk through the sequence of events, review how their pre-planning activities related to Code VII assisted in navigating the event, and explore lessons learned as a result.Download slides here.

Noon-12:45 pm Lunch

12:45-1:45 pm

Help! Code Coordinator Turnover – Managing the Change to Minimize Program Gaps
Moderator: Marjalena Santos, COO, Catalynt Solutions, Inc.


  • Michael McNally, Consultant, E&SS
  • Brian Miller, President, Brainerd Chemical Company, Inc.
  • Courtney Thurtell, Legal & Compliance Analyst, Radchem Products, Inc.

A dynamic panel discussion on the importance of understanding and implementing management of change programs, particularly as it relates to employee turnover. Companies today are facing increasing challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining employees, which can also lead to shifting job responsibilities. How can companies effectively manage these changes to minimize the impacts on their Responsible Distribution programs.

1:45-2:45 pm

Integrating Sustainability
Taylor Cichoski, Quality Systems Manager, PVS Chemicals, Inc.

Companies in the chemical distribution supply chain continue to diversify. As your operations continue to grow and shift, how are you integrating sustainability? This insightful session will look at how, PVS Chemicals Inc, a family-owned business for more than 75 years is integrating and continually improving their sustainability initiatives across various business units. From corporate social responsibility, to distribution, mini bulk and even transportation, this session will showcase sustainability measures for all operational models.Download slides here.

2:45-3:00 pm Break
3:00-4:00 pm

Round Table Discussions
Facilitated by Members of the Responsible Distribution Committee

This session will break attendees into small groups for a practical discussion focusing on key topics from sessions presented during the workshop. These small group discussions will allow attendees to further explore best practices, share ideas, and build upon the knowledge gained earlier in the day.

4:00-4:45 pm

Updates and Announcements from ACD
Caroline Brooks, Senior Director, ACD 

Hear from ACD on recent updates, resources, and tools. ACD staff will also introduce attendees to ASK Distribution Consulting, LLC before we launch our final game session: “Wheel of Codes.”

With a year and a half of verifications under Responsible Distribution 2023 complete, it is time to test your knowledge, with a little competitive spirit, on the Wheel of Codes. Attendees will compete to answer questions based on the most common non-conformances.Download slides here.

4:45-5:00 pm Workshop Adjourns


2025 Responsible Distribution Workshop Sponsors









    Integrity Partners Group (IPG) 




lbb              pvs 



    R&S Compliance Group 



Diamond Corporate Sponsor
& Strategic Partner


Platinum Corporate

Chemformation  DatacorE21 

Gold Corporate
Sponsor & Strategic Partner



Gold Corporate




Diamond Sustaining Sponsors



Platinum Sustaining



Gold Sustaining

AzelisBarentz catalynt
chemgroup  imcd RiteksShrieveSuperiorwebb  


Silver Sustaining

 chemgroupAll Chemical   chemserv   chemical solvents
cci  emcofirst  
RTC sealand   whitaker
wilson chemical
Note: Attendees and exhibitors authorize ACD to use any photographs taken during the course of the ChemEdge, which may include attendees and exhibitors, in ACD's publications and promotional materials.