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Responsible Distribution Webinar Recordings

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December 12, 2024
Webinar Recording: What To Do, When the Spill is You
This webinar discussion will focus on critical considerations responding to chemical releases. The question is not if you will have a chemical spill, it is WHEN! At least that is how companies with foresight consider this issue, like those who practice Responsible Distribution. Being prepared requires advanced planning and practice. Have you reviewed what your company or facility has in place to truly be prepared to respond? Every facility needs to consider its own unique circumstances and consider how an incident will impact your company. Join us for a webinar to help you prepare and/or confirm your plan is consistent with your objectives and the needs of your operation.
September 16, 2024
Webinar Recording: Dispatch for Chemical Fleets: Applications of Automation and AI to Manage Risk, Compliance and Efficiency
Webinar Recording: Dispatch for Chemical Fleets: Applications of Automation and AI to Manage Risk, Compliance and Efficiency
May 23, 2024
Webinar Recording: Hurricane Preparedness for High-Risk Industries
While long range forecasts are notoriously unreliable, the team at Tropical Storm Risk are anticipating activity 30% above the near norm, and 50% above the long-term norms this hurricane season. From 1990-2019, hurricanes and other natural hazards have led to approximately 29,000 reports of hazardous materials releases to the National Response Center (NRC) every year. While this overall number has stayed relatively steady over this time period, the number of events caused by hurricanes has been increasing since 2004 and hurricanes are now one of the leading causes of weather-related hazmat releases in the United States (Santella, 2023). Whether these predictions are accurate or not, there remains an imperative to ensure organizations fully prepare for the hurricane season to come. To support our customers in preparing for this Hurricane season, CHEMTREC is delighted to welcome a panel of experts to share their experiences and insight into hurricane planning and preparedness. Expert panelists for the webinar: Nick Gunia, President, K.G. International, Inc. Kevin Nero, Vice President of Operations, Brenntag Essentials North America Coastal Chemical Rebecca O'Donnell, Associate Director, Process Safety & Occupational Health, American Chemistry Council Jamie Merriman, IOD Center of Excellence Sr. Security/Safety Specialist, Indorama Ventures
March 15, 2024
Webinar Recording: Static Control and Safety in the Transfer of Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Richard Puig of Newson Gale will discuss the causes of static electricity and hazards in flammable transfers. He will review the different levels of solutions and equipment that can be implemented to protect against a hazardous area static discharge, from using simple mechanical clamps to systems with visual indication and interlocks for process control. Examples of solutions in drumming and truck loading/unloading will be presented. Additionally, aspects of NFPA 77 will be addressed, including the requirement for bonding and grounding, recommendations for loading tank truck and rail cars, as well as guidance for handling flammable and combustibles for toe and drum filling.
January 24, 2024
Webinar Recording: Crisis Communication - It's a team sport, what position do you play?
Planning for and training employees for media inquiries is a critical component of Responsible Distribution Code VII: Emergency Response and Public Preparedness. Join Gerard Braud, Founder and CEO of SituationHub, as he explores creating effective crisis communication plans in your organization by understanding what each member of your team needs to know, understand, and the type of training they should receive.
January 10, 2024
Webinar Recording: ACD Town Hall 2024
ACD welcomes you to our 2024 kick-off town hall meeting. Led by President and CEO, Eric Byer, this meeting includes topics such as: 2023 Highlights ACD U Updates: New Learning Management System 2024 Events Calendar Policy Agenda Briefing
December 18, 2023
Webinar Recording: See Something, Say Something: The Making of a Successful Near Miss Program
A Near Miss: An unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage- but had the potential to do so. Join ACD's 2023 Responsible Distribution Excellence Award winners, CITCO Water, to hear how they have successfully implemented their near miss program "See something, say something". Learn how they were able to achieve staff buy-in at all levels and use the program to improve their overall operations.
December 8, 2023
Webinar Recording: Globally Compliant GHS SDS and Labeling Content for Products
This webinar will increase your understanding about how to harmonize your product Safety Data Sheet and labeling content to meet the requirements of global markets. Shipping globally has many challenges, especially in emerging markets where there is a large need for products, but evolving regulations with varying levels of harmonization with the Globally Harmonized System. Join Harry Favre, of Environmental Resource Center, for a discussion on the major requirements for GHS compliant labels and SDSs, ways to stay alert to the evolving nature of product compliance in each country, and how to work with regulatory officials around the world.
September 18, 2023
Webinar Recording: Responsible Distribution Code VI: Sustainability and How CEF Can Help
Interested in learning how supporting Chemical Educational Foundation (CEF) can help you conform to Responsible Distribution Code VI: Sustainability? This webinar will tell you all you need to know, including more about CEF's work to build your future workforce and how to become a member of CEF's Presidents Club.
June 21, 2023
Webinar Recording: The Power of the CAS - How One Number from an SDS Can Drive Operations
Join Alex Smith, Vice President, E21 ERP as he presents a case study on using Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers from a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to drive operations and how it all relates to the Responsible Distribution Codes. This webinar pulls two product example CAS numbers with different risk levels and demonstrate how you can use the power of the CAS number to complete risk assessments, understand PPE requirements, regulations, transportation and how it will affect your companies Responsible Distribution program.
June 7, 2023
Webinar Recording: Waste Minimization
Are you looking for ways to reduce waste? In this webinar, Chrystal Beasley, Environmental Engineer with BeAspire Enviro Consulting, discusses methods to prevent, reduce, reuse, recycle, or recover waste. Develop an understanding of how to operate a recycling program, which provides opportunities for cost reduction, risk mitigation, and emission reduction, while ensuring all applicable federal, state, and local waste regulations are followed. Join us to understand a new way to minimize waste!
February 16, 2023
Webinar Recording: Responsible Distribution 2023 ? Navigating changes, New Resources and Planning Your Verification
A new era of Responsible Distribution is officially here! Join Caroline Brooks, NACD's Director Responsible Distribution as she reviews the program and specification level changes, updated resources (including the enhance Verification Dashboard) and how to navigate planning your next verification.
February 9, 2023
Webinar Recording: Sustainability Principles and Practices: Good for Business and the World
Join Mary Draves, former Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Environmental Health and Safety for Dow, Inc in a candid and pragmatic discussion on practical application of sustainability programs, goals and concepts to benefit your business and how these will enhance opportunities for possible future growth. Draves shares her perspective on the current Environmental, Social and Governance landscape, what could we expect next, how you might approach topics from climate to culture, and the benefit to your business and customer needs. This session provides the opportunity for a robust dialogue with members in an open question and answer portion.
October 7, 2022
Webinar Recording: Responsible Distribution 2023: A Guide to New and Improved Tools
Caroline Brooks, NACD's Director, Responsible Distribution reviewed the newly updated resources available to help your company navigate the changes coming with Responsible Distribution 2023.
July 15, 2022
Webinar Recording: Navigating Sustainability: An Introduction to EcoVadis and Responsible Distribution's New Sustainability Code
The topic of sustainability is growing increasingly important in today's business and consumer world. Interested parties have higher expectations on how chemical distributors and those responsible for chemicals through the supply chain are meeting sustainability challenges. EcoVadis has emerged as one of the world largest and most trusted providers of sustainability ratings. Hear from Tina Chetty, Account Executive, ESG Solutions, provide an introduction to EcoVadis and how NACD Responsible Distribution's new Sustainability Code fits into their frameworks. This session reviews Corporate Social Responsibility and highlights some key examples of sustainability.
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