education & meetings

Webinar: OSHA's New Worker Walkaround Rule, What to Expect and How to Prepare

Webinar: OSHA's New Worker Walkaround Rule, What to Expect and How to Prepare

On May 31st the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Worker Walkaround final rule went into effect. This rule greatly expands which third-party individuals can serve as employee representatives during an OSHA inspection. Under this rule, 3rd-party representatives are permitted to enter facilities to accompany an inspection so long as they are considered “reasonably necessary” to assist in the inspection. This can potentially include union representatives in non-union workplaces, disgruntled ex-employees, activists, and more. In this webinar, Marc Freedman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will delve into the details of this rule and what it means for employers. He will then explain steps employers can take to prepare for the greater range of potential third-party employee representatives who may attempt to enter their facility during an OSHA inspection.


Thank you to the ACD sponsor of this event, SMC Global!

Full webinar recording

Webinar slides