education & meetings

Annual Meeting 2020

Annual Meeting 2020

Virtual Annual Meeting 2020

The NACD Annual Meeting is the highlight of the year for the chemical distribution industry. It’s a time where industry leaders, together with their customers and colleagues, learn from each other new ways to lead high performing companies, to improve sales organizations and better understand challenges facing all of us. These interactions are vital to staying current and energized. Each Annual Meeting program will includes the most qualified and knowledgeable subject-matter experts to ensure that you get the essential updates, fresh strategies and practical advice you need.


ONLINE: Click here to register online.

**We do not recommend completing online registration on a mobile device as registration form may not render properly.**

HARD COPY: Click here* to download the hard copy registration form.

Fax completed forms to (703) 527-7747 or email it to


View the Annual Meeting webpage for more details on this event.